Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4657: Think carefully

The voice came from Xiao Yu's mouth, but Xiao Yu still carried his hands on his back and did not move.

Mu Lingxiong and Mu Zhong heard this voice as if they heard a chasing soul, after all, the shock this kid gave them was really terrifying.

No one could imagine that the Qingmu sword of the demigod rank would lose to a person with pure physical strength!

Of course, what shocked them the most was the Dragon Clan's body refining method!

"This kid is definitely not an ordinary person! He has our secret skills, a physique with vitality and spiritual power, and such a powerful method of refining the body! Must report to the clan!" Mu Zhong said secretly.

If he hadn't played against this person, it would be impossible for him to know that the other party was carrying so many secret treasures.

No matter who this person is, for their Mu family, it is definitely a very dangerous existence.

"Maybe he came to plan something in our Mu family!" Mu Lingxiong also thought of a little.

How could this person come to their Coffin Continent for no reason?

But Mu Zhong thinks more.

"No, he found Baiyueling because Duanmuliangxin was burned to death by Master Teng. It is rumored that it was a burning fire. Now he is coming to Shenmu Valley again, and two months later, he will still worship the annual meeting and Master Teng will also come. Is it..."

Mu Zhong thought the more he felt shocked, the more he thought about it, the more he felt his head roared.

Could it be true that this person came for the legendary burning fire?

Mu Zhong had been to the clan and heard about the rise of Mu Teng, so he also thought of whether it had something to do with Burning Fire.

But from this point of view, there is a great chance!

"No, I have to go back quickly!" Mu Zhong seemed to think of something terrible.

Otherwise, what made them both feel strange is that the voice of the person did not move at all, but how did they feel a sense of danger enveloped.

But at this moment, the swamp beneath them suddenly began to churn, and then two tentacles suddenly jumped out, and then swept both of them.


Although the two of them were trying their best to hurry, but they couldn't find out what monsters were actually below.

"Naughty animal!"

Mu Lingxiong yelled, trying to break away from the tentacles, but found that he could not break away anyway, which made him shocked.

Moreover, the tentacles pulled the two of them towards the inside of the swamp.

"not good!"

The blue light on the two of them kept flashing, trying to break free, but the strength of the tentacles was too terrifying.

In front of him, Leo Ki was dragged into the bottom of the swamp, uttered a scream, and then there was no sound.

Duan Mu Song and others in the distance were surprised to see this scene.

Duanmu Donglu exclaimed: "I remember, the previous master's notes said that this swamp land seems to have a centuries-old underground swamp monster, it seems to be called the Eight-Claw Poison Seal, and it has become a spirit. It is said that there is already the cultivation base of the monster beast!"

Everyone was secretly frightened, but their hearts could also be, how could this eight-paw poison chapter appear so coincidentally at this time?

And that young man looked motionless, as if he had already known it.

Of course they didn't know that Xiao Yu's Tianmu branches had already slowly penetrated into the ground.

Yes, he found this monster beast early in the morning, he just wanted to prevent Mu Lingxiong and the others from escaping just in case.

But I didn't expect the strength of the two to join forces to be so powerful, and Long Tengquan could not kill them.

However, they were at the end of the crossbow, Xiao Yu naturally triggered the Eight-Claw Poison Seal with the branches of the sky tree.

Octopus Duzhang slept for so long, seeing people disturbed, of course the first to arrest both of them.

But who knows, Mu Zhong yelled, bit his tongue, he escaped unexpectedly between the green light and flourishing.


Upon seeing this, Xiao Yu turned into a golden light and rushed up.

Jinshi flash technique!


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