Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4674: No one can help me

Duanmu Huai's face changed drastically, and he quickly said: "No!"

"Now in the middle of alchemy, if the flame is removed, the dead energy of the eroding turtle spirit child will not be suppressed by the flame, and will be released to the maximum in an instant, so that Shilan will die faster!"

Some of the alchemists outside the door frowned.

"Is this kid here to save or harm people?"

"That's right! It's not easy to dissipate the flames in the middle of alchemy, especially in the middle of forming. Once it dissipates, the energy in the spirit pill will burst out instantly, and it is very likely to back the soul."

"That's right, and now the young lady's soul is still connected with the energy inside. Once it dissipates, the eclipse Lingzi will explode, and then it will backlash the young lady's soul. This is equivalent to double damage."

"Brother Feng, he...will he kill Miss?" Duanmu Xueqi asked in a low voice.

Even Luo Feng was stunned. Although he didn't understand alchemy, many people said that Xiao Yu must have done this. It was probably wrong, right?

However, based on the trust in Xiao Yu, Luo Feng hummed: "If you don't even believe my brother, then you don't believe in your elder brother? I can tell you that no one can save Miss Duanmu except Brother Yu! I said!"

Many people had forgotten towards Luo Feng, frowning.

It's just that in such a critical period, they didn't have the same knowledge as Luo Feng. If it were normal, they would have refuted it long ago.

But if Xiao Yu was outside, he would definitely be vomiting blood. Isn't this what hatred Xiao Yu was about?

What if there is no way? Haikou is all boasting, isn't it a laugh?

After Luo Feng finished speaking, even he felt embarrassed and looked to the other side.

Of course Duanmu Shilan knows the characteristics of the eclipse turtle spirit, so she weakly said: "I know you want to help me, but only I know, no one can help me."

Is there no hope?

Duan Mu Song's face sank again.

Xiao Yu didn't explain so much, he just shot it with one palm, and a hurricane blew up, and the flames under the furnace began to be blown down.

"Boy, what are you doing!?" Duanmu Huai was shocked, this kid actually wanted to blow out the flames, this is to let Duanmu Shilan die!

Duanmu Shilan was also pale, but perhaps she was very tired, because she had been maintaining the output of the power of the soul, and she had to separate her mind to control the flame.

Seeing Xiao Yu taking the initiative to blow out the flames, she did not stop her.

"Little brother!" Duan Mu Song was also stunned.

Several people will rush to stop Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu glanced at them, his eyes flickering, and an astonishing coldness burst out, and said, "If you don't want her to die, don't stop me."

After being so coldly drunk, the four of them stopped and looked at the young man's eyes in surprise.

It was as if there was a magical power that prevented them from moving forward.

And they really didn't take a step.

The flame was finally blown, and at this moment, an astonishing black gas suddenly swept out of the furnace.

"Not good!" Duanmu Huai's face changed drastically.

However, Xiao Yu moved faster, and his palms were shot quickly and printed on the furnace.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu's soul power entered the furnace cauldron like crazy.

After Xiao Yu's soul power entered, who knew, it turned into a transparent whirlpool.


All the black energy in the furnace cauldron unexpectedly began to madly sweep towards the whirlpool.



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