Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4676: Duanmu chess explosion

After the Duanmu Shilan incident came to an end, the whole Duanmu family's view of Xiao Yu certainly changed.

To be honest, their cognition of Xiao Yu was brought back by Duanmuqi from the beginning, and they didn't even know what to do.

Then in the competition between Xiao Yu and Duan Muzhi, Xiao Yu won and obtained a six-patterned earth spirit pill. Only then did they have a new understanding of this foreigner.

Of course, this is for the younger generation. As for Duan Musong and other elders and deacons, of course they know what Xiao Yu is here for.

After Xiao Yu killed Mu Zhong and Mu Lingxiong, it can be said that Duan Musong and others have made a big difference to this young man, but they have not yet allowed them to face it.

Perhaps it is that they actually understand in their hearts that even if Duanmu chess invites people with no matter how talented and strong they are, they may already feel like water in their hearts, and they do not have much desire for the so-called secret method of lifting the taboo.

There is no other reason, the taboo secret method originally requires the combination of yin and yang to be truly effective!

It wasn't until Xiao Yu saved Duan Mu Shilan's life that they finally realized the extraordinary things of this young man.

On the next day, Duan Musong and others invited Xiao Yu to the lobby and gave Xiao Yu a jade box. On the jade box was a five-pattern earth spirit pill.

"What do you mean by elders?" Xiao Yu asked calmly.

The five-stripe earth spirit pill he can absorb at this time, of course, because he has already absorbed it, so absorbing this five-stripe earth spirit pill can at best speed up his recovery of energy in his body, but it cannot help him. Break through the level.

But it is always a five-stripe earth spirit pill.

Duanmu Huai took a deep look at Xiao Yu, hugged Xiao Yu, and said, "This is thanks to my little brother for saving Shilan's life."

"It's just a matter of effort, you elders don't have to be polite."

It wasn't that Xiao Yu didn't want it, but that it was indeed a simple task for him to devour the death energy of the eroding turtle spirit.

Duanmu Donglu glanced at him and said faintly: "Is it because the little brother wants the seven-stripe Earth Spirit Pill to accept it?"

"Donglu." Duan Mu Song yelled, frowning slightly.

Duanmu Donglu shrugged and said nothing.

Duan Musong said to Xiao Yu: "Little brother, Dong Lu didn't mean that."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I know, Elder Donglu is joking with me."

Of course Xiao Yu knew that this Duanmu Donglu still had an opinion on his own merits when he contradicted him last time.

But he can also feel that Duanmu Donglu is a man of true temperament, just half-joking.

"But to be honest, these five-stripe Earth Spirit Pills really can't be collected." Xiao Yu pushed back.

At this time, Duanmuqi said: "Elder Song's kindness, you can accept it."

Xiao Yu glanced at Duanmu chess, Duanmu chess knew that Xiao Yu was coming to the hall, so he came here specially.

"Yes, you are Aqi's friend, now you are also our friend." Duanmu Xianglin said with a smile.

Duanmuqi laughed at himself and said, "We Baiyueling can't afford such a friend. If it weren't for him, Mu Zhong would have killed us all."

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly in his heart, but Duanmu Che was also motivated. He knew that Duanmu Che was boring these days.

Duanmu Song seems to feel that something is wrong with Duanmu chess.

"Aqi, what's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong with you these past few days?" Duanmu Xianglin asked.

Who knows, when I asked, Duanmu Qi was instantly ignited in his heart, and he said angrily: "You are the one who has something to do! You knew that the only way to crack the taboo secret law is the fusion of Yin and Yang, right? Is there a reason for you to accept it?"

What time, Duan Mu Song and others' complexion changed drastically.

"how do you know!?"


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