Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4683: The Mu Family's Plan (Part 1)

Everyone looked at Mu Teng, their eyes flickered, and only Mu Bai's chest was in a mature state.

Mu Ronghua frowned and said, "I say so, but the ancient order of the wood requires the five elders of the ancestor Uehara to show it. We only have two."

"Isn't this enough?" Mu Teng then looked at Mu Bai who was silent.

"The Great Elder already has a plan." Mu Teng also appeared very calm.

The elders present all looked at Mu Bai.

Mu Bai's status and power in the clan is very large, and it can be said that many things were said by Mu Bai alone to the family owner.

Therefore, some things they don't know are also normal.

"Hehe, Mu Teng, it seems that your soul cultivation is getting higher and higher, and you are almost ready to read your mind." Mu Bai said with a big laugh.

He was like this, making everyone confused.

Just now they were still worried about Shenmugu's Zhengu Great Array. Why did Mu Bai talk and laugh when he turned his head?

"Boss, what the **** is going on?" Old Six asked.

And Mu Ronghua seemed to have thought of something, her eyes lit up, and said, "Is it possible that the elder has already arranged it?"

Mu Bai is still selling the pass, saying: "Don’t worry, the Ancient Order of Wood can definitely be launched, but it is a unavoidable situation, because once they resist, they also need the Patriarch’s action. Of course, that’s Under compelling circumstances."

Mu Ronghua shook his head and said: "They have a great formation in the valley, and even if the Patriarch makes a move, it will hurt the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred."

"Yes, even if we threaten the lives of the children of the same race, they may die with us."

"Yes, the incident of Baiyueling has already let them know that we are going to eradicate them. In this case, it is normal for them to fight to death with us."

Mu Bai nodded, his eyes flickering, and said, "So the Patriarch took action, it was a last resort."

Everyone was silent and did not speak.

In fact, it is of course very risky to seize the Yin Vein after this annual sacrifice meeting.

But there is no way, the Mu Family Patriarch made such a decision, and he also cooperated with all the collateral families to unite, which proves that whether it is the Mu Family Patriarch or them, they all want the two veins of Yin and Yang to be combined. One.

Because even if they have yang veins, they still need a combination of yin and yang to prosper the entire family. This is also the case for the Mu Family, although it has risen over the years, it is far from being called the Great Family of the Nine Heavens. the reason.

Mu Langhua said coldly: "These stubborn guys!! If they really don't want to perish, they should follow us instead of occupying that one-acre three-point land and being embarrassed here!"

"Second, give up, if they can listen, the Patriarch will not make this decision, just a bunch of poor self-proclaimed worms, Nine Heavens World does not need such a person, such a person can't survive." Mu Bai said with a sneer.

Mu Ronghua said with awe-inspiring eyes: "Even if the Patriarch and the boss have a comprehensive plan, they can even launch the Ancient Order of the Wood, but they can't be willing to do so."

"That's right, so I have an idea."

Everyone looked at Mu Teng, even Mu Bai was interested.

Mu Teng never asked about the family matters. The family matters were discussed and decided by Mu Bai and the owner of the family, so Mu Bai was also interested and asked, "Do you have a good way?"

Mu Teng carried his hands on his back and said meaningfully and authentically: "If we want them to be willing, can we just use Yang Mai as a bet condition?"


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