Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4685: Duanmu Shilan is visiting

After returning from the lobby, the entire Duanmu family was immersed in a wonderful atmosphere.

Said it is wonderful, but because Duan Mu Song and others have been very silent these days.

What Xiao Yu knew was definitely because that day after Duan Muqi knew the truth of the facts, everyone was in a state of frustration, even a kind of resignation, and a kind of soldier coming to stand in the middle of complex emotions.

"Hey, Brother Yu, listening to you say that, I suddenly feel that they are so pitiful." Luo Feng has also been relatively safe these days, and has not ran out anymore.

He also heard the yin and yang pulse for the first time, and he also knew that Duanmuqi wrongly blamed Duanmusong and others, and then Duanmusong and others chose to conceal the truth for the sake of the family's righteousness.

This is indeed moved by everyone who heard it.

"Don't be pitiful."

Xiao Yu has changed back to a calm expression and said, "This is just a choice of their own. As long as they feel right, even if they are misunderstood, what about their inner peace, can they be transcendent and sanctified."

Luo Feng was dumbfounded, and said: "Brother Yu, I find you are getting more and more fascinating. I guess this can only be said when you reach the Great Power Realm."

Xiao Yu laughed and cursed: "You mean my strength is not commensurate with what I said?"

"Hey, no, I think you are much better than the Mighty One. You see, this enchantment in the Coffin Continent was helped by a certain Mighty One who helped Mu Family. A man who harmed his own family."

Xiao Yu gave Luo Feng a blank look, and said, "You're so scared that you're so scared, but..."

"I heard that the mighty one saved his life before the mighty one, but he was only to repay him, so he left this plane barrier."

"Cut," Luo Feng said indifferently, "it's no wonder that this Mu family is holding chicken feathers as the arrow. They are such powerful people. Now they are definitely not a bird. I guess if it weren't for this relationship, the Mu family would definitely be besieged. of."

The Mu Family dominates the Coffin Continent, but they are not relying on cultivation bases, but sending alchemy geniuses to the outside, which makes them unscrupulous and rampant.

Having been in the Coffin Continent for a long time, Xiao Yu has also become more aware of the dissatisfaction of many families with the Mu Family.

Luo Feng said indignantly, "Why do more than 70% of the elixir in the Coffin Continent go to Mu's family? This is too unfair. If I definitely oppose them, I don't believe in the second and third-rate families of the Coffin Continent. People unite and are afraid of them."

Xiao Yu shook his head and said calmly, "In the world of Nine Heavens, there is no such thing as fairness. Strength is the kingly way. But if the Mu Family continues like this, sooner or later it will arouse public anger."

But Xiao Yu still said: "But these are their business, we just do our own business."

At this point, Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes. His own business was burning fire!

Luo Feng said with a little worry, "But to be honest, Brother Yu, now that they know about the Mu Family's conspiracy, it will indeed be a lot of trouble! This annual sacrifice ceremony may affect you."

Xiao Yu nodded inconspicuously, his eyes flickering, and said, "You are right. It seems that we will have to think of a countermeasure."

Duan Mu Song knew about the Mu Family's conspiracy, and they certainly wouldn't wait to die.

According to Xiao Yu's thoughts, the worst case would naturally be the encounter.

That's why they are so quiet these days!

Luo Feng then changed his voice and said with some dissatisfaction: "By the way, you saved Miss Duanmu. According to reason, she should come over and thank you..."

After a while, a figure came at the door.

This familiar aura fluctuated Xiao Yu's heart.

"Young Master Xiao, are you inside?"

Duanmu Shilan!

I was really hit by this guy!


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