Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4724: I didn't plan to kill him

Mu Ju and others looked at Mu Teng with some worry.

"Mu Teng, since this kid is from the Cangling Academy, and he is still an innate life spirit, then his background must be extraordinary." Mu Ju said in a deep voice.

Mu Teng smiled faintly, and said: "You are thinking that he is helping the Duanmu family. Maybe there is some attempt, but we can't easily do it to him, can we?"

Mu Ju nodded and looked at Mu Teng.

Mu Teng seemed to have a confident attitude in everything, and it was difficult for outsiders to clear what he was thinking.

Just as this time after returning from Shen Mu Gu, although they forced the Duan Mu family to agree to the bet competition, in general, Mu Ju still felt that he did not feel safe.

After all, they had already decided before they came. If the Duanmu family would rather die than follow, then the biggest chance is that the fish die and the net breaks.

This is an ending that neither side wants to see.

Moreover, now there is another variable, that is the kid from Cangling Academy!

God knows what hole cards that kid has, and who knows what his intentions are against the Coffin Continent.

"Let's not talk about the identity of this kid, do you remember Mu Ju, this kid has been to the white moon collar." Mu Teng said with a squinted smile.

Mu Ju frowned, his eyes suddenly flashed, and then he stared at Mu Teng with a shocked expression on his face.

"Could it be..."

"Yes, if I guessed right, he was probably doing that." Mu Teng's eyes were calm and then a cold color flashed.

Muju's eyes are also murderous release.

He and Mu Teng were thinking about one thing, yes, it was about burning fire.

Back then, Mu Teng went from an alchemist with only a human spirit to the strongest Celestial Alchemist in the Coffin Continent. Almost the people in the Coffin Continent did not know the reason for this.

However, the elders of the Mu family knew it.

Yes, it is an opportunity to burn fire.

Mu Teng is a member of the Mu family, so he was able to rise in just ten years. Of course, it caused the Mu family's idea, so they had no reason to be ignorant.

Of course, the Mu Family also kept this secret firmly.

After all, it was Burning Fire, and it was the flames of heaven and earth that shocked all the families and senior alchemists in the entire Nine Heavens World!

Although the Coffin Continent ranks in the middle reaches of the 72nd World, the reputation of the Coffin Continent is the middle and upper reaches.

It's not because of how strong they are, but how many alchemists the Mu Family has cultivated.

If this secret is discovered by a foreigner, how terrible will it be?

Muju is simply unimaginable.

And that young man, after going to Baiyueling, then came to Shenmugu.

According to Duanmu Xianglin, the purpose of this person's visit to Shenmugu was only to be the leader of the white moon collar.

Because he has benefited from the white moon collar.

But then again, is it just that simple?

Help Duanmu family kill Mu Lingxiong and Muzhong.

If there is any deal between the young man and the Duanmu family, then it is fair, but Duanmu Xianglin did not say that there is, and this young man has nothing to do with Shenmugu.

Then the obvious thing is that this person must be doing something!

"What are we going to do." Mu Ju took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then looked at Mu Teng.

With such a confident mind, there must be some thoughts.

But the only thing he knew was that this person could not be killed anyway, because it was too dangerous.

"You are thinking, we must kill him? But I didn't plan to kill him."


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