Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4731: The third round-"Secret Realm"

Alchemy is almost impossible to succeed as soon as it is refined, so whether it is an alchemist or a refiner, it is a very "burning" profession.

This so-called burning of money is based on the consumption of raw materials.

Otherwise, the training of an alchemist and a refiner would not need to spend so much energy and resources.

Therefore, they must find the upper monster beast, then take its blood, and then practice alchemy.

"It's not difficult to kill high-ranking monsters, but the difficulty is. The Ebon Mountains are guarded by their people. I am afraid it will not be so easy for us to enter." Duan Muhuai said.

"Moreover, when the content of the test is released, they will definitely prevent us from obtaining the raw materials."

"Huh!" Duanmu Donglu snorted coldly, "Are we here to be hard, they can't do it!? I will lead the team myself!"

Obviously, because of this competition, Duanmu Donglu was also angered.

After all, what Mu Family did was really too much.

"Yes! I don't believe it, the whole continent belongs to them!"

"We haven't lost yet, we must show our confidence! We will never compromise!"

The emotions of several elders rose up.

It seems that in the matter of fighting the Mu Family together, they have become very consistent.

Duan Musong also nodded, looked at Xiao Yu, and said, "Little brother, it will take you to the point of guiding Shilan."

In fact, Xiao Yu wanted to say that for the higher-ranked monster beast, he could completely suppress it with the breath of "Dragon Swallowing Qi", but since Duanmu Donglu had taken action, he didn't need him anymore.

After everyone discussed some things, they dispersed.

Xiao Yu and Duanmu Shilan left last.

"Xiao Yu, I'm going to trouble you this time." Duan Mu Shilan lowered her head in a low voice.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Eat people with soft mouths and short hands. I am not doing it for nothing. Don't worry, I will give you what I know."

"Yeah." Duan Mu Shilan nodded slightly, and she could feel that she was actually grateful.

But after a while, Duan Mu Shilan bit her lip and said, "This is also our last chance."

Xiao Yu asked curiously: "Elder Song said that in the spiritual power test, your chances of winning are not great. There is one more round? Is there no chance?"

Duanmu Shilan's heart moved, and she wanted to say something, Xiao Yu said again: "It's true that it's true that Luo Feng told me that only your elders know about the third round, so I just asked one more question, but you can leave it alone. "

It is impossible to say that there is no interest at all.

It's just that Luo Feng inquired that only the inside of Duanmu's family knew it, so Xiao Yu wouldn't ask so much.

Duanmu Shilan hesitated, stopped, and said: "In the third round, our chances will be even more slim, because we have entered a secret realm."


Xiao Yu was surprised.

Duanmu Shilan shook her head and said: "In fact, it is not a secret. It is a secret realm that our ancestors found, and then it was sealed. It is said that there is a kind of powerful energy in this secret realm, and there is also a so-called chance."

"There have been elders and Patriarchs in the past, but they have not gained anything after they came out."

Xiao Yu frowned, "If that's the case, why use this as the third round of competition?"

Duanmu Shilan glanced at Xiao Yu in surprise, and said, "Because there are some opportunities in it!"

Didn't you just say it?

Xiao Yu pondered, and Duan Mu Shilan continued: "Of course, according to the records of the ancestors in the past, there are also dangers in it. Presumably they want to use some of the dangers in the secret realm to test us."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and said nothing.

The two exchanged, even if Xuan disappeared.


Three days later, on this day, there was bad news from Duanmu's family. Duanmu Donglu returned from injury from the Ebony Mountains!


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