Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4734: Take the initiative to help

"I said Brother Yu, it's okay, how can you carry this troublesome thing to yourself?"

Two figures swept across the mountains of the Coffin Continent, and they were Xiao Yu and Luo Feng.

And Luo Feng's face was full of resentment.

Xiao Yu leisurely said: "Although we are here in the Coffin Continent to burn the fire, how can we easily let go of such a rare opportunity for experience."

Luo Feng couldn't say a word without making a fight.

The purpose of their coming here is of course to obtain the blood of the high-ranking monster beasts, so that they can make alchemy for Duanmu Shilan and participate in the competition.

But the matter of taking raw materials is the Duanmu family's own business!

In Luo Feng's view, although Xiao Yu could obtain a seven-patterned earth spirit pill, it was a reward for teaching Duan Mu Shilan.

It didn't say that they wanted to find the raw materials for alchemy for them!

But this guy responded by himself and said he would take the initiative to help!

And what made him most angry was that Duanmu Jia clearly said that he would send someone to follow, but Xiao Yu declined it!

Does this guy have a problem with his head?

And also pull him up!

This is to face the high-ranking monsters, it can be comparable to the existence of the Dao, or even the quasi-yuan soul!

Luo Feng was only at the level of the pure spirit realm, and it was impossible for him to contend with the Yuanpa realm.

"I said, Brother Yu, did you like Miss Duanmu? You don't even care about your own fate. You can ignore your fate, but you can't ignore me, brother!" Luo Feng thought more and more. Is angry.

"calm down."

Xiao Yu comforted: "I also do it for you. Only when you encounter a monster with a stronger strength than yourself can you break through faster, don't you know?"

"In the past few months in places like Coffin Continent, I'm afraid your body will rust."

Luo Feng snorted and said, "Excuse me, I said you must be a ghost."

Xiao Yu shrugged, but he thought of Duan Mu Shilan's weak perseverance, and said: "I really want to help her. The most feared thing is to lose faith. Since she still has a little faith in her heart, and I I have this ability again, so I want to do my best."

Luo Feng rolled his eyes and muttered: "The tragic sea of ​​people in the world is gone, and your heart of fraternity is too overflowing."

Xiao Yu smiled and did not speak, and said, "Of course I came out with a little confidence. Do you still remember that Hall Master Qing and I went to Tengyuan Continent?"

Luo Feng thought for a while and said, "I remember that you seemed to be in the lower court at the time, and then you dared to go to Tengyuan Continent."

"My God, it was the peak master who went there in person, and it was too bad, Brother Yu, do you have the power to help?"

That incident, of course, caused a sensation in the entire Cangling Academy.

So far no one knows what happened inside.

All he knew was that Xiao Yu and Qingyin had escaped safely.

And how did they know that what Xiao Yu was facing was the patriarch of the Three Dao Tiandi Bang Yao Beast, instead of what Qingyin and the Xingtang hall master and elders said at the beginning, they would be careful not to disturb them. The monster.

If they knew what Xiao Yu did, their jaws would definitely fall off.

"You'll find out later." Xiao Yu said with a smile, a golden light flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly exuded a mighty and domineering aura.

Luo Feng was taken aback, how could this look like a different person?

Two hours passed.

"Can't move forward anymore, there are already Mu family members three kilometers ahead."


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