Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4747: Must win round

In a place dozens of miles away.

Mu Luonghua and the others are packing up the bodies of these high-level monsters.

After all, dozens of monsters need a little time to deal with.

As for Muronghua and Mu Yungao, as well as the twelve Mu Family masters in the Huayu Realm are all recovering.

After about two hours, Mu Yungao's eyes, who had been sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened.

Mu Langhua also found out, and asked, "Yun Gao, what's wrong?"

He found that Mu Yun's high expression looked a little surprised.

Mu Yun looked high to the southwest and said, "I feel the breath of Jin Yan beast."

Mu Langhua was a little surprised, but Mu Yungao had just said that his trapped beast formation technique could not attract all the beasts.

Therefore, it is normal to place one or two orders.

"But the location of this monster beast is very secretive, it should be in the process of evolution, and then it has hidden its breath."

Mu Langhua thought for a while, and asked, "Then why is it only sensed now?"

"It should be...was awakened..."

"Only when the evolution is successful, or if you are awakened, your breath will explode in an instant." Mu Yungao explained.

Mu Langhua frowned: "Then how are you sure you were awakened?"

"Because its breath is disordered."

Mu Ronghua's heart moved, her eyes flickered, could it be that the Duanmu gang came again?

However, Mu Yungao continued to doubtfully said: "The distance is too far, I am not very clear, and the trapped beast array has faded, I also sensed based on Yu Wei, but this breath has returned to calm."

Another man sneered and said, "If the Duanmu family wants to send someone, I'm afraid it will be Duanmusong. From this point of view, it should be the abuser who was disturbed by other monsters."

Muronghua and Mu Yun nodded their heads, and only this kind of explanation could make sense.

"Don't worry, Duanmu Song is in Yuanpajing, if he comes, I will feel it, this is not Yuanpajing." Mu Ronghua said.

Mu Yun nodded high and calmed down.

Among the twelve masters, one was Mu Ronghua's nephew, named Mu Bin.

"Uncle, I'm very surprised. Is it necessary for the family to send you out for this only one round of competition? And it's such a big fight."

Mu Bin actually had doubts early on.

After all, no matter how you say it, the twelve transformation feather realms are already the backbone of most of Liuquan Valley!

And also dispatched the beast trainer Mu Yungao.

He even did not hesitate to launch a trapped beast formation and kill dozens of monsters in a row. Is this decision a child's play?

In their opinion, this is just to deal with a girl!

The others were also recovering while looking at Muronghua.

Mu Ronghua said faintly: "Yes, in your opinion, we won the first round of the spiritual power competition. In the second round, the name is to let them and give them a chance, but in fact, we also want to Go all out and they can’t let them have the slightest chance of winning.”

Everyone is still in the mist.

Mu Bin asked again: "Even if we don't do this, the second round will have more than half of the winning rate."

"But what the family wants is stability." Mu Ronghua said with wink eyes.

Then, Mu Ronghua glanced at his people and said: "I am not afraid to tell you that in the third round, our family has no confidence to win. Therefore, we must rely on the first two rounds to win in order to win in one fell swoop. Shenmugu."

Mu Bin was taken aback: "That round in the secret realm?"


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