Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4750: Killed one after another

Without saying anything, the group swept towards Yanyouque's place.

For them, the Jinyan beasts were killed, so the Rock Youque is probably already in an accident, and it is very likely that the same group of people did it!

They drove with all their strength, and it was only half an hour before they got under a giant tree.

Sure enough, they also found the dead Yanyouque.

In the same situation as the Jin Yan Beast, Yan Youque also turned into a dry corpse.

The faces of the Mu family and his party looked a little ugly.

"Really killed..." Yimu's children took a breath and looked at the ugly-faced Muronghua.

If it is a coincidence to kill the Jinyan beast, then kill the Yanyouque?

Is this still a coincidence?

Obviously not.

It is impossible for ordinary people to know the content of the competition between Duanmu and Mujia.

And it just so happened that Golden Yan beast and Yanyouque are the raw materials for refining Chimai Dan!

With a move in Mu Yungao's heart, he immediately raised his head to look at the big tree and exclaimed: "This rock sparrow is laying eggs. At this time, its combat effectiveness is stronger than the Jin Yan beast!"

Mu Longhua immediately ordered: "Mu Bin."

Mu Bin nodded intently, and jumped up with his legs. After a few minutes, Mu Bin's expression turned ugly.

"Uncle, there is nothing on it, but there are indeed some outline marks on the canopy. It should be bird eggs."

Mu Yun took a deep breath: "Who the **** is it? Such a courage!"

"According to my feelings, the aura of the egg born by Yanyouque is very powerful, and Yanyouque is an innate monster."

The eyes of the Mu family's children became fiery, and immediately turned into anger.

The upper innate monster, in other words, this is a good monster partner!

Mu Langhua looked around, his eyes gleaming, and immediately he walked to Yanyouque's side.

Yanyouque's head was shaken open, which was obviously caused by a powerful physical force.

"Uncle, do you see anything?" Mu Bin asked.

Mu Langhua said solemnly: "The Yanyouque is good at fighting in the air, but its consciousness is shaken by a powerful force. Not only can the opponent fight in the air, but the body is also very powerful.

"how is this possible!?"

Everyone is unbelievable.

They are spiritual power practitioners, so of course they know what this means.

Being able to fight in the air and having such a tyrannical body cultivation base, what kind of existence is this?

"Does this person have reached the Yuan Soul Realm?" Mu Bin held his breath.

Because it is possible to fight in the air, at least the cultivation base of the Yuan soul realm is needed!

Only in the Yuanpao Realm, can he control the heavens and the earth's spiritual power at will, can he fly!

"Didn't I say that? Yuan Po Jing entered this area, I should be there." Mu Ronghua swept Mu Bin coldly.

Mu Bin's neck shrank and he said nothing.

It was indeed his nervous transition just now.

"Uncle, according to what you see, what is the strength of this person?"

Mu Langhua observed the injuries on Yanyouque’s body, and said: “The injuries on Yanyouque’s body are at least several. If you want to kill Yanyouque, the cultivation base of the Huayu Realm will use all your strength. Kill."

"Huayu Realm."

Mu Bin sneered: "It turned out to be the Huayu Realm. Then, this person is really looking for death."

Mu Luonghua's eyes were murderous and awe-inspiring, and said: "In any case, since they killed two monsters, maybe their next goal is to find the purple pupil dog."

"Does the second elder suspect that they are related to them?" Mu Yungao asked.

Mu Ronghua said: "Whether it is related or not, this assumption must not be let go. I must find them and kill them!!"

"Yun Gao, look for it and see where there is a single purple-pupil dog."



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