Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4760: Snow White Ape (Part 1)

To be honest, Xiao Yu is actually a little scared. Besides, it is said that there are monster beasts in the Ebony Mountains!

According to Xiao Yu's current state, he would definitely die if he entered.

After about half an hour, the Mu family found this place based on Xiao Yu's trace.

Mu Longhua and the others also gathered quickly, looking at the darker environment in front, feeling a colder atmosphere, even Mu Langhua's face changed slightly.

But the battle half an hour ago, the battle that brought him, still had that kind of shame, until now he has not recovered.

"Uncle, it's already in the depths of the Ebony Mountains, and it is said that there is already a monster beast inside." Mu Bin took a deep breath and shrank his neck.

Once you encounter a monster beast of the earth list, don't say that it is a yuan soul realm, even ten yuan soul realms may be difficult to fight.

The Mu family claims to control most of the coffin continent, but it does not include the inner depths of the Ebon Mountains.

And if they really want the Ebon Mountain Range of the entire continent to be planned within their family strength, then the manpower and material resources to be expended are very large.

For the Mu family, which has not yet been completely unified, it is impossible to do so.

Of course, even for the Duanmu family who had not separated hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago, it was obviously impossible to achieve such a situation.

What's more, how big a higher plane is, there are even some unknown places in the Coffin Continent that have not yet been explored.

Mu Ronghua's eyes were startled and suspicious. If you say you are not afraid, then it is impossible.

But if that person is allowed to leave like this, of course he will not be reconciled.

As he said to Mu Bin before, this round of competition is the top priority for the entire Mu family.

Nothing to lose.

"Slow down, I don't believe that no matter how strong he is, he can still survive inside!" Mu Linghua groaned for a while, and finally gave the order.

Mu Bin and others took a deep breath, and then slowly entered inside.


Don't say it was a Yuanpao Realm, it was Xiao Yu, who was also cautious at this time, not to mention that he was injured, and he didn't dare to be too impatient.

Of course, Xiao Yu still has Qiongqi and Golden Winged Roc in his body, so he doesn't need to worry too much about the breath.

"I didn't expect that there is such a place in this continent." Jin Wing Dapeng exclaimed.

When one person and two beasts entered here, they all sensed that the spiritual power of heaven and earth here was filled with a very primitive feeling.

This primitive feeling made the two monsters seem to have returned to the living environment and state of ten thousand years ago.

"Didn't you claim to have flown across the Seventy-two Great Heavens? I thought you knew everything here." Qiongqi said jokingly.

Jin Wing Dapeng said indifferently: "When I was from Kun Huapeng, I really liked flying everywhere, but many of them were just passing by."

"However," Golden Wing Dapeng changed his mind, and said with a dignified manner, "You have to be careful, kid. I passed by here thousands of years ago. At that time, there were still many monsters, although they were not as good as those in Tengyuan Continent. Three guys, but at the mid-range stage, it is enough to kill you instantly."

"Dapeng, don't scare him, we can avoid it as much as possible. Besides, there are really very few demonic beasts here, so you don't need to worry too much." said Qiongqi.

Xiao Yu also nodded and said, "Be careful and sail the boat for ten thousand years."

But when he had just spoken this sentence, suddenly a powerful oppression in the distance was crushed, and the target turned out to be Xiao Yu.

"not good!"


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