Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4767: Fight again against the strong Mu family

To be honest, Xiao Yu was a little moved after listening.

Of course, no one would dislike the lack of cultivation resources.

Even if he has a lot of Mutanquan's life energy in his body, of course, the more it is for these fruit wines, the better.

Because absorbing these energy, not only can he recover quickly, but also can do more with less in cultivation.

And these fruit wines are soaked with good fruits and elixir.

This is a good thing!

Of course, this is not the key, the key Snow White Ape actually said that Xiao Yu owed his life!

A monster beast said that he owed himself a life!

From Xiao Yu's point of view, no matter how good the relationship between spirit beasts and humans is, I am afraid they would not make such a promise, right?

But what Xiao Yu could feel was that if it wasn't something very important to him, he would definitely not do it.

"Bai Xueyuan said that his wife has been in for a hundred years. It seems that he should miss his significant other very much." Xiao Yu said with emotion.

There are also plants and trees, let alone monsters.

When Snow White Ape said that he owed Xiao Yu a life, he carried an extremely sincere emotion, which Xiao Yu could feel.

"Boy, it's too dangerous inside, don't promise him."

Who knows, Qiongqi directly persuades.

The Golden Wing Roc also echoed: "Yes, I don't know what's going on inside, and how do you save it? You may not be able to survive, and you said you want to save people."

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, of course he had thought of this too.

Seeing the sincere expression in Snow White Ape's eyes, Xiao Yu still said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Snow White Ape’s eyes dimmed, but he still pleaded: "Human, how many years have passed, this is the first time I have felt this familiar breath in you. I can be sure that there must be something inside you. relationship."

"If you can help me, even if it takes my life, I will give it to you!" Snow White Ape's eyes flickered.

Xiao Yu's compassionate heart immediately moved.

To be honest, why didn't he want to go in for a risk?

There are many secrets in him, and even he needs to explore them.

But Xiao Yu must be responsible for his life after all, especially at this moment, he is even more unlikely to take risks.

"Thank you very much for saving me, but the kid asked himself if he couldn't do it." Xiao Yu said apologetically.

Snow White Ape's eyes dimmed, and it sighed, "Same as I thought."

Soon it stretched out its hand and grabbed it towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu suddenly became nervous. Could it be that he was going to become angry and kill others?

But Snow White Ape still grabbed himself softly and put it on its shoulder.

"I'll send you out." Bai Xueyuan said, and then reluctantly glanced at the location of the void just now, turned around and left.

Xiao Yu felt a little guilty in his heart, thinking that Snow White Ape was going to do something to him. It turned out that he was kind enough to send him out, but instead he felt like a little man.

"Boy, don't have to be so guilty. People don't die for themselves, and you have no obligation to help him."

"Yes, think about how many things you haven't done yourself. If everyone helps, then you are too busy? You must know that you are just an ordinary person, you are not a god, even if you are a god, all living things can only Let it fend for itself, this is the nature of the strong."

After hearing this, Xiao Yu nodded in his heart, but he didn't know what happened. He always felt that if he didn't go in and take a look, he would be a bit regretful.

Soon, Snow White Ape was sent to Xiao Yu to come out of Youlin.

And at this moment, more than a dozen figures swept over.

They are Muronghua!


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