Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4773: Take a life back

One day later, Xiao Yu returned from the Ebony Mountains, and everyone in Duanmu Song who had been waiting anxiously was finally relieved.

The entire upper class of the Duanmu family was full of gratitude to Xiao Yu.

Because after Luo Feng went back first, he told Duan Mu Song everything.

Of course, Luo Feng only said that Xiao Yu had used some secret methods, and then he fought desperately against the Mu Family.

There is no specific mention of Xiao Yu's Shura power.

After all, the power of Shura is still a bit against the sky.

And Luo Feng knew that this was Xiao Yu's own secret, and the latter certainly didn't want to be known so much by outsiders.

However, Duan Musong and others were of course very grateful to Xiao Yu.

After all, the blood of Jin Yan beast, Yanyou bird, and purple pupil dog were all taken back by Xiao Yu!

However, after Xiao Yu returned to Duanmu's house, he didn't explain too much to everyone, because what he wanted now was cultivation.

In three days, Xiao Yu temporarily restored his physical body to a relatively stable state.

The fruit wine given by Snow Ape restored Xiao Yu's energy to a full state.

As for Mu Tanquan's life and spiritual power, it helped Xiao Yu speed up the recovery of his physical and mental damage.

The power of life, whether it is for the body or for the soul, has a repairing effect.

To a certain extent, Xiao Yu's mind was eroded by the aura of killing. In this state, the breath of life needed to continuously nourish his already slightly deviated mind.

After leaving the customs, Duanmu Shilan, Luo Feng, and Duanmu Huai were all waiting in the room.

"Brother Yu, are you okay?" Luo Feng asked first.

Duanmu Shilan also came up, Meimu was worried and guilty.

Xiao Yu smiled and shook his head.

But he felt that his emotions seemed to become a little low.

As he got closer, Luo Feng also sensed that Xiao Yu still had a gloomy aura of killing.

He could feel how Duanmu Shilan and Duanmu Huai couldn't.

Although Xiao Yu hadn't changed much, his temperament seemed to be a different person.

"Xiao Yu..." Duanmu Shilan felt guilty.

Xiao Yu smiled lightly and said, "I'm fine, don't be like this."

"By the way, Elder Huai, are all the materials ready?" Xiao Yu asked directly.

Of course Duanmu Huai knew what Xiao Yu wanted to do, and was a little surprised: "Little brother, there is still a month to come before the annual meeting..."

"I'm fine, I will recover slowly, but alchemy can't be delayed any longer."

Duanmu Huai nodded with admiration in her eyes, and said, "It's ready, just wait for the little brother and Shilan."

"Okay, let's go."

Xiao Yu didn't say much, and immediately followed Duanmu Huai to the alchemy room.

The entire Duanmu house is still immersed in a heavy atmosphere.

Of course, they also know that the enemy is currently, and many of their children are practicing hard.

Because everyone already knows about the competition.

If they lose, they will be forced to handle Shenmugu.

Of course, they also know that to some extent, they are equivalent to joining the Mu Family camp.

Because the Mu family would never allow Shen Mugu's children to leave like this, no matter what, Shen Mugu still has many talented children.

And to some extent, Duanmu family and their Mu family are also the same family.

They don't know whether it is happy or sad.

But right now, they are still Shen Mugu's children, so they will do their part.

In this way, Xiao Yu knew that Duanmu Shilan's days of refining Chimai Pill had begun.


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