Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4775: Guide Alchemy (Part 2)

the second time.

"The amount of raw materials is still not well mastered. Try to increase the amount of animal blood. This time the fragrant musk flower can be halved..."

the third time.

"Animal blood is fine, but the swarthy ointment that removes the ferociousness of animal blood is too small, so increase it."

Until the fourth time, the fifth time...

Time flies quickly, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

After all, alchemy is a slow process.

Especially it is not easy to refine a high-grade spirit pill.

Moreover, in each process of alchemy, the raw materials must be melted, refined, formed, and harvested.

Every step, as well as the grasp of the flame, requires the consumption of soul power.

After the power of the soul is consumed, it naturally needs to be replenished.

But Duanmu Shilan also exploded with her amazing willpower.

For half a month, she hardly ate or drank, and when the power of her soul was exhausted, she recovered on the spot, and immediately devoted herself to alchemy.

This made Xiao Yu very admired.

Such perseverance, when Xiao Yu thought it would take a month to control the weight of the raw materials to the right amount of Duan Mu Shilan, he just finished it in half a month.

Of course, Xiao Yu was not idle either. There was an inner room in the alchemy room, and he was cultivating in it.

Of course, part of his consciousness was left outside, just to prevent Duan Mu Shilan from having any accidents.

Within half a month, the half-invisible state of the power of the bloodline naturally disappeared, and Xiao Yu's killing power began to move around again.

This is of course a good thing for him.

Killing realm, the power of blood, this is all passed down in the same vein.

And if it were the past, Xiao Yu would definitely need more time to recover, but it was different here in the Coffin Continent.

In other words, it is not needed now.

First, Xiao Yu had fruit wine to speed up his recovery and speed up his own cultivation.

On the other hand, there are a lot of life energy in the body, which makes Mu Donghuang not worry about energy input at all.

What's more, in the second world space, ten times the speed of the outside world is equivalent to ten times faster in his cultivation.

Therefore, within half a month, Xiao Yu naturally broke through to the middle stage of the He Dao realm.

In fact, this is quite normal.

You must know that when he entered the Ebony Mountains, several battles broke out.

Every battle almost depleted Xiao Yu.

The state of extreme mobilization of one's overall strength and overall state of battle is naturally also a major way to improve strength.

Therefore, there will be some fighting madmen, through constant challenges and battles, to accelerate their cultivation.

At this time in the second world space.

At this time, Xiao Yu was shining with golden light.

It is the sacred law of Buddhism-the Great Prajna Sutra

Of course, this time Xiao Yu didn't turn the Nine Ranks Magic Rune into action.

Because he only needs the tranquility of the Great Prajna Sutra to improve his mental willpower.

In this way, he would be able to reduce the burden of his mind by using the killing power in the future.

Then, Xiao Yu thought of something, his eyes flickered, and he said to himself: "I have less than a month to go to face the Mu Family."

According to Xiao Yu's earliest thoughts, the Mu Family must deal with it anyway.

However, he didn't realize that Mu's family had such a huge monster until after dealing with Muronghua.

Then, his mind moved, and a peach-white beating flame appeared in his palm.

"Muteng, we will meet again soon."

This is the way to help Xiao Yu regain Burning Fire in one fell swoop!


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