Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4786: Mu Zi'an!

There are thousands of people in the two families, so it is impossible for all children to compete. It must be streamlined.

Duan Mu Song was about to propose the rules for the first round of competition. Who knows, Mu Jia's Mu Ju just opened his mouth and said, "Hold on."

Duan Musong and others all looked at Mu Ju.

Mu Ju said: "Before we agreed that the first level is to test spiritual power, but we want to slow down first, and the first level is to compete with alchemy."

"Alchemy!" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, secretly asking what the **** was this Mu family doing?

Duanmu Shilan in the crowd took a deep breath and her eyes became solemn.

Duan Musong didn't understand what Mu Ju was doing.

Muju said again: "Since it's a competition, it doesn't matter which order you have. I wonder if you can accept my proposal?"

Duan Mu Song looked towards Duan Mu Ting, who nodded.

"it is good!"

The elders group and others in the Mu family sneered.

And some of the Mu family's offspring are a little curious.

"Father, in the three rounds of competition, apart from the secret realm, the spirit power and the alchemy test, we all have a great chance of winning, why suddenly changed the first alchemy test?" a young man asked next to Zhong Young people.

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "You don't understand this. In the spiritual power competition, in fact, our Mu family's advantage is not very obvious, but we can all have a chance of winning more than 60 to 70%."

"But in the case of alchemy, we can almost be sure that there is a 90% winning rate."

Everyone around was taken aback.

"The alchemy children from the clan side, it is said that the most powerful ones have gone to other planes, not many left in the Coffin Continent, and this time compared to the red vein pill, there is no need for more powerful soul cultivation, right?"

In the Mu family, there are many young children who can refine six-patterned earth spirit pills, even those who refine seven-patterned earth spirit pills and eight-patterned earth spirit pills.

This is the background of the Mu Family and the reason why Mu Teng is so respected as a master of alchemy.

He cultivated the alchemy genius, and he picked out one at random, and he could hang the Duanmu family.

But this alchemy is in the first round, it seems there is some arrangement!

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't know this. I heard that Mu Teng has found his most talented son, and he is from Yunsheng Academy!"

Yunsheng Academy! ?

The children around all exclaimed.

What is Yunsheng Academy?

It is the first of the five great temples!

Continents like the Coffin Continent, it is so difficult to enter Yunsheng Academy.

Because of the limited number of places, there are only a few places each year, and they will be divided among several major temples.

"Is that the alchemy genius who was born a few years ago?"

"His name seems to be... Mu Zi'an."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Yes, that's him. He can already start refining the Heavenly Spirit Pill. With him, this competition is easy enough to win."

Suddenly someone suddenly realized, "I understand that if you give them a shock in the first round, then you can create a greater burden on them psychologically."

Everyone around understood it.

Yes, if they all lose in the first round, and still lose to such a super alchemy genius, then the Duanmu family's psychological defense will definitely collapse.

Let's not talk about the competition of alchemy cultivation, just the appearance of such a person is enough to make Duanmu family feel powerless.

Because the first level is alchemy, two huge alchemy platforms have risen in the venue.

"Shilan, you can." Duanmuxuan comforted.

Duan Mu Shilan took a deep breath, but her eyes couldn't help but look at the figure in the crowd, that person was Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu smiled and nodded towards her, Duan Mu Shilan seemed to relax a lot, and immediately walked up.

Duanmuxuan's face sank slightly when he saw this scene.

The appearance of Duanmu Shilan, of course, is that everyone in the audience has produced a stunning color.

This is the proud daughter of the Duanmu family, and even Mu Teng's amazing alchemy genius!

But at this moment, a clear laughter rang out——

"Hehe, this is Junior Sister Shilan."

Only a young man walked out of the Mu family camp, and everyone's expressions were moved when they saw this man.

"It's him! Mu Zi'an!"


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