Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4804: That person is me

I saw everyone following the prestige, and three figures came over.

Mu family elder Mu Bai, Mu family second elder Muronghua, Mu family sixth elder Mu Ju!

The person who spoke just now is surprisingly Muronghua!

Mu Luonghua's eyes flashed with an astonishing killing intent, Mu Ju stared coldly, and Mu Bai looked at Xiao Yu with curiosity.

The arrival of the three people made the people around them even more nervous.

In particular, Duan Musong and the others also sank slightly.

Duan Mu Song knew about Xiao Yu's return from the Ebony Mountains.

Especially, they also knew that Xiao Yu and Mu Ronghua, the great masters of the Yuan soul realm, had fought twice and survived.

Therefore, how could Mu Ronghua not recognize Xiao Yu?

You know, for a master of Yuanpa realm, it is a shame that he can't kill a Hedao realm twice.

In addition, now Duan Mu Shilan still has something to do with this person because of the blood of the double-headed purple pupil dog, as well as the victory. Of course, Mu Ronghua wants to kill this person!

As for Mu Ju coldly staring, he and Mu Teng came to Shenmu Valley at that time. He also saw Xiao Yu and knew that Xiao Yu had cracked Mu Teng’s thorns, so how could there be too much for this foreigner? Likes?

Xiao Yu's face was calm, without the slightest disturbance.

On the contrary, it caused endless reveries of other Duanmu family members.

Mu Bai looked up and down Xiao Yu curiously. Just now when Mu Ronghua recognized Xiao Yu, Mu Ronghua had already told him.

Mu Bo smiled faintly: "Little brother, I heard Elder Xianglin say that you are a student of Cangling Academy. It happens that our family and the five major temples also have some intersections. Don't know the name of the little brother?"

After listening to Mu Zi'an next to him, his eyes flickered, and immediately stared at Xiao Yu indifferently.

This guy turned out to belong to Cangling Academy?

How could he not know the grievances between the five great temples and some rankings.

"It turns out to be the senior brother of Cangling Academy," Mu Zi'an said lightly, "I heard that in the examination of the upper house of the five great temples, the first place is from your academy, he seems to be called Xiao Yu."

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that his name was actually very loud among the five great temples.

After all, defeating a very talented child in the assessment and winning the first prize in one fell swoop directly increased the reputation of Cangling Academy a lot.

Of course, Yunsheng Academy is Yunsheng Academy after all. Although Gu Xichun’s death shocked the entire Yunsheng Academy, Gu Xichun is after all an ordinary child of the Gu family in the assessment of children, not the most talented and core child of the Gu family.

Because many people know that the super genius children of a really big family do not need to be assessed, they only need to go directly to the upper courtyard to practice.

Just because, for so many years, among all the children assessed by the upper courts of the five great temples, Gu Xichun's cultivation of the psychic realm is very powerful.

Therefore, killing a Gu Xichun only surprised the five great temples, because at that time Xiao Yu had only the cultivation base of the Tianfu realm!

However, if it can truly shake the status of Yunsheng Academy, then Cangling Academy is obviously not qualified just by winning the first place in this assessment.

It's just that Xiao Yu, a dark horse from Cangling Academy who was born out of the sky, was noticed by many people.

For Mu Zi'an, these talented children of Yunsheng Academy, it is natural that Xiao Yu is not looked down upon.

Duan Mu Song and others looked at Xiao Yu only now.

Everyone knows the five major temples, and the examination of the upper house can also be said to be something that caused a little shock in the seventy-two days of the world.

However, they simply have no time to take care of it. After all, it is good to manage the survival of the family. How can they have time to care about these?

In addition, there is no one in the Duanmu family, and there is no chance to go to the five major temples for further study, because the recommended places are in the Mu family.

Therefore, they have only heard of it, but they don't know the name.

In fact, very few people knew Xiao Yu's name.

Xiao Yu calmly said, "That person is me."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Bai and others' eyes shrank, and this kid turned out to be the one who won the first place in the examination of the upper house of the five great temples!


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