Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4806: Start of the second round

Mu Bo spoke first, and Mu Bo and the others followed suit.

However, it can be seen that in addition to Mu Ceng whose eyes are calm, Mu Ronghua and Mu Ju have a heavy and cold look in their eyes.

Mu Bai said calmly as he walked: "I don't care who he is, as long as we stop our plan, there is only one way to go, death."

Muronghua and Muju's eyes flashed, but Mudou and Muzi'an were relatively calm.

Mu Bo's words are full of absolute confidence in this annual meeting.

Obviously, they also know how important this year's competition is to them.

Regardless of whether Xiao Yu appeared or not, they would never change their plan.

Even if Xiao Yu was a member of Cangling Academy, he was killed, and Yunsheng Academy is the backer. What can an outdated academy have?

Because of this, Mu Zi'an didn't care about Xiao Yu's appearance at all.

It's just that he was a little surprised that the person who won the top of the five temples would appear in their Coffin Continent by such a coincidence, and that's all.

Mu Teng shook his head slightly and said, "What a pity! A pill-refining seedling."

Mu Zi'an said indifferently: "Why the teacher is like this? Sooner or later Shilan Junior Sister will be ours."

Mu Teng nodded slightly and said nothing.

Just don't know what, the strange familiar aura he felt in Xiao Yu still seemed to make him a little strange.

"It may be my illusion."


After Mu Bo and the others took them away, Duan Mu Song's mood became heavier.

From beginning to end, even if Mu Bo and the others lost the first round, their mood, or even their attitude, did not change much.

This is simply beyond common sense.

And the only explanation they can think of, naturally, they must have absolute confidence!

Otherwise, how could you be so calm?

As for Duan Mu Shilan, she was more concerned about Xiao Yu's safety.

The Mu Family now knows the identity of Xiao Yu!

This shows that Xiao Yu's safety has been greatly threatened.

No one knows how determined the Mu Family is for this competition.

Therefore, how could they pay attention to a Cangling Academy in a small area?

Even if they were killed, they were still backed by Yunsheng Academy.

"Little brother Xiao Yu, we can't hurt you because of this, it's better..." Duan Musong said in a deep voice, but was interrupted by Xiao Yu.

"Elder Song, in fact, you should have guessed it, I also have my own purpose, and it is also related to the Mu family, so I will not leave."

Duan Mu Song and others became solemn.

Of course they also thought of this, otherwise, as long as a person has a normal head, or a little bit for his own sake, he will definitely not fight against such a behemoth.

It's just that they will feel even more shocked when they say it from Xiao Yu's mouth.

This is a confrontation with the Mu Family! This is not a child's play!

In other words, has this young man put his life and death aside?

"Xiao Yu!" Duan Mu Shi Lanhua turned pale and called out.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll see you all next."

After all, Xiao Yu found a corner and started to recover.

The more they got to know Xiao Yu, the more Duan Musong and the others understood that it was impossible for anyone to persuade the young man to decide the matter.

Moreover, this man has such a big card, who knows what he is going to do?

Duan Musong sighed: "Let's take care of ourselves first, after all, there are still the next two rounds."

Luo Feng was also next to Xiao Yu, and he could feel the unkind look in Mu Ronghua's eyes.

"Brother Yu, it seems that we can't go if we want to leave this time." Luo Feng said solemnly.

Now that Xiao Yu's identity has been exposed, can he leave easily?

the answer is negative.

"It's okay, I'll get to this point sooner or later, but I am determined to win the burning!" Xiao Yu's eyes flashed.

Soon, the second round of competition began.


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