Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4822: Siege of the Ice Soul

The Snow White Ape said that his wife had strayed into a space, but Snow White Ape couldn't rescue him with all his energy.

According to these children, isn’t this easy to understand?

The two snow white apes in their mouths might be the one Xiao Yu knew, and this one was in a relationship with the outside.

However, this was the first time he heard of this ice body.

"Old poor, Dapeng, have you heard of this ice soul body?" Xiao Yu called out in his heart.

Originally in these unknown mysteries, according to the usual, Qiongqi and Golden Winged Dapeng would give Xiao Yu ideas, but they did not.

They seemed to say nothing after they came in.

After a while, the two of them did not reply, Xiao Yu was a little surprised, but at this moment, there was a shock in front, and a icy snowy blizzard swept out, and all the dozen or so Mu family children were retreated. And went, and two or three people died.

The headed Mu He's eyes drenched and said: "It's really a wicked animal! Everyone listens to the order, use the thirteen sword spirit wood formation!"

The remaining thirteen of them just came around, and all of them condensed the Green Wood Sword.

Thirteen people, the weakest ones all have the cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the thirteen green wood swords seem to be conspicuous at first glance, although they are strong and weak.

The Snow White Ape actually uttered something, with a slightly magnetic voice, and said angrily: "I'm looking for death!"

"The formation!" Mu He shouted, and pointed directly at the Snow White Ape.

The sword light of the twelve swords the day before yesterday also pierced up.

Snow White Ape was immediately pierced by the thirteen green wood swords.


Snow White Ape looked up to the sky in pain, and the sound of pain spread all over the kilometer.

The children of the Duanmu family are all unbearable.

Snow White Ape is a kind of monster beast, and it is also a spirit beast.

Spirit beasts are friendly to humans and will not harm humans.

Moreover, it is really embarrassing that the body of the ice soul has been awakened, and it has been found to be killed.

"The body of the ice soul is in its beast soul, and it is impossible to take it out without killing it." The child of the Duanmu family frowned and said.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, and this Mu Family's sword formation was truly extraordinary.

As soon as the green wood swords of these thirteen men were released, even a monster that was comparable to the dollar spirit realm could not move.

This is enough to show how powerful the combined force of the thirteen people is.

After the Snow White Ape was stabbed by the thirteen sword lights, the ice aura on his body was quickly withering away.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu couldn't help frowning.

He remembered that the Snow White Ape had rescued himself, and he had also given him fruit wine to heal his injuries, not only that, but also pointed out the route for him to escape.

This Snow White Ape is almost always Snow White Ape’s wife outside. How can he die?

Although the combined strength of the 13 people was comparable to the power of the U.S. Dollar Soul Realm, Xiao Yu did not hesitate to plunder.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu's figure was like a sharp sword, with golden light flickering, the space vibrated for a while, and then disappeared in place.

The faces of the children of the Duanmu family changed suddenly.

"What is he doing? Is he going to die?"

They all sensed that Xiao Yu's strength was not in the early stage of the He Dao Stage, and on the Mu Family's side, everyone had this kind of cultivation level!

It's just going to die!

Saying that the time is too late, then Xiao Yu hit it out with one punch.

Accompanied by the black gold boxing style, with a sacred and deep breath, he hit it out.

The power of Buddha and magic, magic brake fist!



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