Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4824: Five magic lines!

The Nine Ranks Magic Mark Secret Art was the chance that Xiao Yu got during the examination of the Secret Realm of the Upper Court.

Although he rarely uses it in daily life, from a certain perspective, he is also a real demonic cultivator.

The biggest feature of the Nine Ranks Magic Rune Art is that as the cultivation level increases, a magic rune will be added to the palm.

The magic pattern represents the realm of strength.

When Xiao Yu was in the four magic lines, he could already sweep the Three Spirit Realm.

And until recently, perhaps it was because the bloodline's killing realm power was so much that it had spent more time in the Great Prajna Sutra.

But you must know that the Great Prajna Sutra and the Nine Turns Magic Rune Art are complementary to some extent.

Because the fusion of the power of Buddha and magic almost made Xiao Yu present a collapsed situation at the beginning.

The complementarity of the two sides also gave the Nine Ranks Magic Rune a certain improvement.

No, the five magic patterns were condensed by Xiao Yu at this moment.

With the continuous consolidation of the fifth magic pattern in his palm, the power of the demon in his body is climbing wildly.

At the same time, the Great Prajna Sutra was constantly urged by Xiao Yu.

Feeling the weirdness of Xiao Yu's body, and the power that he had never seen before, Mu He's heart jumped.

"This is the power of the demons? No, what kind of power is this?"

Buddhism is a very advanced method in the world of Nine Heavens, and very few people have seen it.

Relatively speaking, the power of the magic way of the people of the demon clan seems to be more ordinary.

Because the cultivation power of the demons is also very high-level, otherwise there would be no battles between Buddhas and demons countless years ago, or even the legend that demons came to the earth and once ruled the world of Nine Heavens.

But now, for some pure Demon Dao families, everyone is still very jealous.

Of course, that kind of hybrid demon race, or evil demon race, is notorious in the world of Nine Heavens.

Therefore, most people have a disgusting impression of the demons, and they are staying away.

The Coffin Continent had also been invaded by powerful demons, and even a very small part of the descendants of those demon races lingered on the Coffin Continent.

The children of the Mu family in their coffin continent certainly hated this kind of breath, and of course they were also very disgusted.

But the magic power in Xiao Yu's body simply refreshed Mu He's cognition.

Like a dark cloud from the horizon, that kind of lifelessness, dark and cold, is definitely a high-level Demon.

And the most peculiar, this kind of breath is also mixed with that incredible solemn and solemn power.

This is fusion power!

"Hmph! The devil's way can't be side-by-side, see if I cut you out!"

Mu He settled down, his eyes condensed suddenly, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

For the convenience of the pure demons, but as long as they hinder their plan, there is only one ending, and that is death!

"Aoki Seven Winds!"

Mu He used the high-level swordsmanship of the Qingmu Sword to directly cut out the seven swords.

The terrifying blue light sword intent directly condensed into seven Dao, and then slashed towards Xiao Yu.

Seven sword lights shrouded an area of ​​500 meters in radius, and the children of the Duanmu family in the distance changed their faces when they saw it.

The Aomu Sword is a kind of weapon move of the Duanmu family that condenses its spiritual power. You can comprehend as many as 85 sword styles according to your own talent.

As a leader among the younger generation, Muhe's talent is of course extremely strong.

In the Huayu Realm, the sword style of the Green Wood Sword can already be comparable to the extremely powerful Earth-level sword technique.

Xiao Yu's eyes condensed suddenly, and a golden-rimmed black pupil appeared in the depths of his pupils, bursting out a few meters long.


Black and golden energy swept out of him.



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