Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4831: Transfer target

The three people immediately beheaded towards Xiao Yu.

The three green wood swords were full of sword aura, and the green light intertwined, seeming to envelop Xiao Yu in half.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the Seven Star Sword slashed out directly, and there was an ice blue blade in the air immediately.

This blade seemed to tear the air, and the three green wood swords were cut to pieces immediately.


The expressions of the three of them changed at the same time.

This cold-suffering sharp blade slashed it down, and it could almost crack a mountain and crack a rock.

They seem to have a feeling, this sword, it is almost as if it was awarded by a strong Yuan soul realm.

Could it be so powerful when the Heart of Ice Soul is integrated?

Of course the three of them didn't believe it, the Qingmu Sword condensed again and killed it again.

But they didn't understand how powerful and terrifying Xiao Yu was.

You know, the heart of the ice soul is originally the spirit body of Snow White Ape, and it contains a lot of Snow White Ape's energy in it.

Xiao Yu's fusion was not only a physique with ice attributes, but also a physique with the power of Snow White Ape!

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with cold light, and he slashed out again with a single sword. The ice-blue sword light traversed directly for tens of meters. The two peaks of the Hedao realm did not even scream. Was cut in half.

Where their bodies were cut, the blood was frozen into ice blue, and the two bodies immediately turned into ice sculptures.

The remaining youth of the Huayu Realm, the Green Wood Sword shattered again, and at the same time the tiger's mouth was shattered.

"Flee!" The young man's face finally couldn't help becoming pale.

What he didn't know was that when Xiao Yu's first sword was a test of power, he didn't even want to kill him.

But at the time of the second sword, it was already really killing.

After all, since the Mu Family had a bad heart for themselves, why should they keep their hands?

The Heart of Ice Soul is not the true power of Snow White Ape after all, so it is impossible to have the fighting power of Yuan Soul Realm, but it is enough.

Because what Xiao Yu could feel was that a single sword was enough to kill a Huayu Realm!

The remaining person in the early stage of the Huayu Realm just wanted to escape, but how could he escape the attack of Xiao Yu, who has the spirit of the weapon and the heart of the ice soul?

Another sword cut out, and the man was divided into two halves.

The three of them died instantly.

Mu He and Mu Guifeng and other twelve people's complexions changed drastically, and their eyes were about to split.

"Bai Xue Yuan's heart of ice soul has been transferred to that kid, kill that kid!" Mu Guifeng said with cold eyes.

The twelve people immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu.

However, Snow White Ape lacks the body of the Ice Soul, and his injuries have been aggravated in the battle just now, so it seems a little weak.

Twelve people immediately surrounded Xiao Yu.

Looking at the corpses of the three people who were already bloody, the eyes of the twelve people in the Mu family were flushed.

"A foreigner! You were on your own and ignored our affairs. We don't need to kill you, but now you are asking for it!" Mu He said with awe-inspiring murder.

"is it?"

Xiao Yu glanced at the twelve people and sneered: "Originally, if you didn't provoke me, I would let you go, but you are insatiable. If you want something that does not belong to your strength, then stop blaming me for killing you. ?"

"Don't be arrogant! The heart of the ice soul is in your body, and it is scouring you, and we will also get it!! Kill the formation with twelve curses!!"


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