Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4833: Almost wiped out

However, what surprised Xiao Yu was that when the Ice Sword Blade was about to break Mu Guifeng's defenses, he suddenly made a "knock" sound, and then made a metal collision sound. It just jumped past.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly. What he didn't expect was that Mu Guifeng had a bodyguard spirit treasure.


Mu Guifeng laughed, very proud, and said: "Boy, this is my bloodline bodyguard wooden spirit armor, you can't break it."

Duanmu Family and Mu Family are most famous for their Green Wood Sword and Wood Spirit Armor, which attack and defend.

Both are moves that the power of blood can condense to a certain level.

And this wooden spirit armor is relatively more difficult to condense.

Because of this kind of spirit armor, it is said that people with extremely high talents can condense the power of extremely pure wood attributes in their blood.

Once condensed, it can be comparable to top-grade defensive spirit treasures, and can also resist attacks at a higher level than yourself.

It is a life-saving method developed by the ancestors of the Duanmu family in countless years of comprehension, and it is also a high-level spiritual technique.

Because Xiao Yu had the energy of Mutanquan and the spiritual memory of Duanmu family in it, he had an impression of this wooden spirit armor.

As far as he knew, the wood spirit armor was not condensed by anyone.

No wonder this Mu Guifeng was able to fight, because it turned out to have some background.

But Xiao Yu's eyes were very calm, and said, "Do you think I can't break it? Then I'll show it to you."

"Ice Ice·Yaobai!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with an astonishing cold light, and he jumped a few feet so long, and then he slashed out with a volley.

And this time, the sword light condensed by the long sword was not wide, but like an ice line.

The white ice line seemed to be the sharpest edge from the horizon, as if it could divide the space into two halves.

The same 100-meter ice line was cut in the blink of an eye.

Mu Guifeng's face suddenly changed, and Xiao Yu's offensive this time made him feel a kind of fear!

He also displayed seven sword shields, trying to weaken the ice line's attack.

But this time, the seven sword shields were instantly broken, like cutting tofu, and the ice line was like a broken bamboo, passing through Mu Guifeng's almost desperate pupils.

Mu Guifeng remained motionless, and the next moment, with a "keng", the wooden spirit armor on his body began to turn into a little green light, and at the same time, his body was cut in half.

Mu Guifeng is dead!

The Buddha said, one flick refers to sixty instants, and nine hundred births and deaths in one instant!

The attacks of these two rounds are just two or three fingers!

This is horrible!

The eyes of the Mu Family watching Xiao Yu completely turned into a panic.

But at this time, Xiao Yu was already looking at them, without any waves in his eyes, only a kind of pity.

Mu He finally knew what kind of existence he had provoked. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Run away!!"

The ten people also felt a shudder, **** of time, a living person actually died like this!

But how could Xiao Yu allow them to leave?

Three more ice lines slashed them up. The ten people split into three directions and fled, but they couldn't escape the fate of being divided in half.

And Mu He was the strongest. In the middle of the Huayu Realm, he immediately fleeed away after realizing that something was wrong. After Xiao Yu killed the ten people, Mu He disappeared.

"Even ran away."


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