Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4835: "Fairy Lake"

Shentao is a kind of legendary spirit fruit after all, so of course Xiao Yu also had illusions about this mysterious legend.

You need to know that even Mo Suhe, the poison sage, has never really come into contact with ginseng peaches, enough to see how precious ginseng peaches are.

And the so-called living dead and bones are just the simplest function of ginseng peach.

But because there are too few records about ginseng peaches in ancient books, almost no one knows what the effects of ginseng peaches are after swallowing them.

"Can senior take me there?" Xiao Yu asked directly without pretentiousness.

A look of horror appeared in Bai Xueyuan's eyes, and he immediately turned around and turned his back to Xiao Yu.

Just as Xiao Yu was between the differences, immediately after that, Xiao Yu's eyes shrank.

There was a wound the size of a bowl on the back of Snow White Ape!

Obviously many years have passed since this wound, so only a white thing that seems to be scarred can be seen.

And because of the height of Snow White Ape which is several tens of meters, Xiao Yu didn't notice this scene at all.

Snow White Ape turned around, took a deep breath, and said: "The place where Shentao is located is the land of a fairy lake. In the fairy lake, if you enter once and enter the second time, you will suffer The attack of Fairy Lake."

"Xianhu?" Xiao Yu's heart moved upon hearing this.

He felt strangely magical just hearing the name.

Is it a resting place for immortals?

But this secret realm is the place of the strong who thinks the flesh is sanctified. Does it have anything to do with it?

After inquiring, Xiao Yu learned about the experience of Snow White Ape.

It turned out that Snow White Ape had also been to Fairy Lake after entering here by mistake.

For this kind of legendary spirit fruit, of course it is of great benefit to any creature, and Snow White Ape's heart is normal.

However, the first time he entered, Bai Xueyuan was defeated, and after the second time he wanted to enter again, Xianhu sent a powerful attack.

"It took me a full year to recover from this wound. The energy of Xianhu is very strange. I only received a blow attack, so I didn't dare to step forward again." Bai Xueyuan said with lingering fear.

Xiao Yu was also surprised again and again.

There is such a weird thing in the world?

"Then senior can take me there?" Xiao Yu begged.

Snow White Ape nodded, but after thinking about it, he said, "We will go again for three more days."

"According to my observations, every other week the fairy fog is the weakest, and there will be an hour of time to enter it."

Xiao Yu accepted Bai Xueyuan's proposal and recovered in the ice cellar.

Within Xiao Yu's consciousness, he felt the changes in his body at this time.

Now, in addition to the Shura tactics of the cultivation method of his life, Xiao Yu's major is Dragon Tun Qi, Wu Ming Dian, which incorporates the Nine Revolving Magic Pattern tactics of the Great Prajna Sutra.

Among them, the Shura Jue cultivates the power of blood, which cannot be easily used.

Long Tunqi is Xiao Yu's most commonly used power, and it is also the method of physical power.

But Wu Mingdian is to cultivate the heart, and use the heart to control the power of martial arts.

As for the combination of the Great Prajna Sutra and the Nine Turns Magic Rune Art, it is restrained deep in consciousness.

But now Xiao Yu had a slight headache, because his cultivation methods were so many that he didn't have enough time at all.

Even if he is different from ordinary people's consciousness and physique, he can at best achieve dual purposes.

But in this way, he will pull down a lot of other forces.

Sometimes, if you have too much without specialization, you will not be able to do anything.

But if you specialize, the fighting style will appear very simple.

The whole night of cultivation left Xiao Yu's brows furrowed and he was silent in the corner alone.

"Human, you seem to be in trouble?"


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