Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4837: Bai Xue Yuan Selling Guanzi

Xiao Yu couldn't help being moved when he heard it, and his eyes were glowing with gleaming light.

What does Snow White Ape mean?

Is there any other way to achieve independent consciousness and independent body like it said?

Snow White Ape looked like an old man and asked, "Do you know what attributes in the world can condense a clone, and it is the closest to a physical body?"

Xiao Yu frowned and groaned for a while, and said, "If you talk about attributes, the five elements and nature can condense this kind of energy clone, but if it is the closest to the physical body, then there is only Wood attributes or attributes related to life."

Xiao Yu remembered one of his own formations, calling him the clone of wood.

The wood clone is the strongest and can have 80% of the combat power of the body.

And you must know that the clone of wood is a clone of soul power, but even so, the powerful consciousness of this clone of wood is like possessing a kind of life.

In the same way, if the energy of wood is used to condense a clone, then it can have a feature close to the physical life.

Of course, Xiao Yu knew after all that the clone was always the clone, not the main body.

Since it is not the ontology, it means that the clone cannot have the same physical body as the ontology.

And this clone is driven, it is impossible to have an independent consciousness.

Snow White Ape said indifferently: "That's why I said this is your chance, because the owner here is the Eucharist related to the attributes of wood."

Xiao Yu still didn't feel much excitement, but shook his head and said, "Even so, how did the senior know that this sanctified senior can condense this kind of clone?"

"I don't know, but I've seen it in the land of the worst."

"The place of great evil?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Where is that?

Who knows that Snow Ape said, "I will tell you after you get the ginseng peach, otherwise you will be gone if you go, and it will even lead to killing.

Xiao Yu frowned and nodded immediately.

Snow White Ape has always lived here for so many years, and he must be very clear about the terrain and situation here, so it must be right to hear it.

It's just that Xiao Yu immediately asked curiously: "Senior, why do you want to help me?"

He could feel the sincerity of Snow White Ape to himself, as well as the kindness of help.

But if you are grateful to yourself just because you saved Snow White Ape at the beginning, then it won't be enough!

After all, Snow White Ape also borrowed the Heart of Ice Soul to himself.

In the conversation just now, Xiao Yu seemed to feel the protection of an elder.

Snow White Ape was silent for a long time, his eyes like copper bells filled with a thoughtful look.

After a while, its deep voice came and said, "Perhaps, I feel in you a different character..."

Xiao Yu glanced at Bai Xueyuan in amazement, who then closed his eyes, as if entering a state of concentration.

"Xinxing?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself before shook his head.

"If someone has such a bad life as me, maybe anyone will be like me."


Three days passed in a flash.

When Xiao Yu and Snow White Ape came out, the sky was already dark, and the moonlight looked very cold and pale.

"You can see the moonrise here." Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

Snow White Ape glanced at the moon, with some memories in his eyes, and immediately recovered his calm, his eyes looked in a certain direction.

"There are already many people there."

Then one man and one ape flew towards the distance.


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