Shura God Emperor

Chapter 470: It's just a decoration

At this moment, the Buddha Tower in Xiao Yu's mind suddenly appeared.

The Buddha Pagoda is still imaginary and real, but the difference is that compared to the appearance of the Buddha Pagoda at the beginning, the bottom of this illusory pagoda is the darkest.

A power swallowed by darkness, like a flash flood, was instantly condensed in Xiao Yu's palm.

A black energy, like a black hole, continuously gathers energy swallowed by darkness in the form of a whirlpool, as if it can destroy everything.

Xiao Yu's whole person was like a bottomless black hole, and the dark attributes made them feel a kind of heart trembling even with the power of the corpse.

"This... what kind of power is this?"

Whether it is Han Feiyun and his wife, as well as the blood shadow man, their faces are a look of horror.

Originally, the power of Shura used by Xiao Yu before was already enough to shock them, nothingness, deathly silence, this was not the power that the dynasty should have.

But now, the other party has used this unknown and terrifying power again, which makes the three of them feel unbelievable and unbelievable.

How many secrets are there in this kid?

"This kid must be killed!" The **** energy of the blood shadow man suddenly burned.

The horrible energy intertwined with the power of the corpse shrouded the blood shadow man, just like a blood man.

This kid knows they have too many things, and because of their potential and talent, Blood Shadow Man, the sub-rudder, feels a strong threat.

Han Feiyun and his wife no longer kept their hands, and the power of the corpses on their bodies also broke out to the extreme.

The power of the overwhelming corpses, like a sea of ​​fire, turned into two **** claws, as if they could tear the air, and the claws came over.

The cave is very huge, but it has been rendered by the blood-red light. The breath of the corpse makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, stepped out with a slam, and said coldly, "The worm shakes the tree!"

Xiao Yu's Qi Spirit Realm Dzogchen even dared to face the powerhouses in the early stage of the Qi Spirit Realm. In addition, he was now at the peak of the Qi Spirit Realm and spurred the Buddha Seal. Of course he was not afraid.

Xiao Yu flipped his hand, and the black hole of the vortex was spinning even more crazily. The countless air currents were absorbed into the vortex of the black hole in his palm like a sea of ​​rivers.

Even the two blood-colored giant claws, turned into air currents, were also absorbed.


The pupils of Han Feiyun and his wife shrank. What kind of trick was that?

They ignored so much, the power of the blood-colored corpse broke out frantically from their bodies again, and the entire cave was filled with a terrifying killing intent.

Immediately after that, the strong power of the corpse on Yan Shisan's body became more and more rich, turning into a kind of substantial energy, and then turned into a huge **** longbow.

As for Han Feiyun, the light of blood was also exploded, turning into a ten-meter-long arrow.

"call out!"

Under the effect of the longbow, the arrow drew the full moon and pierced the air, bringing an extremely harsh sound of breaking the wind, and slammed towards Xiao Yu fiercely.

The offensive of the two husband and wife partners is very powerful, and the rank of that spiritual skill has even reached the level of green rank.

The longbow is blessed with the power of the corpse, and with the spur of the arrow, the power is actually three levels stronger than at the beginning.

If this encounters a strong person in the middle stage of the Pill Formation Realm, he will definitely have the same ability to resist.

"call out!"

The power of the horrible corpse locked Xiao Yu, and the harsh sound of the wind from the air almost pierced the space. This combination of extreme power made the little dragon not far away ready to rush to rescue. .

There was a cold light in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he shouted, "Don't come, Xiaolong, this is just a decoration, I can handle it."

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