Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4851: The gourd under the fairy lake

Seeing this, Xiao Yu held his breath.

This kind of divine thunder was really terrifying, even more terrifying than the thunder and lightning power of the Profound Thunder Beast that Xiao Yu encountered in Tengyuan Continent.

After all, this is the last block on the road to becoming a god.

This is the final stage of the cultivator fighting against the sky and the earth.

The road of cultivation that goes against the sky is rough and ups and downs. How can the heavens be easily turned around by one person?

Suddenly, at this moment, a ray of light began to soar into the sky, directly pushing away all the divine thunder.

In the confrontation with God Thunder, it seemed like a bud that broke through the shackles from the earth.


The thunderbolt came down, struggling with this light.

After a while, that piece of light burst into an astonishing blue light, a kind of magical pattern, which began to emerge in the light.

The extremely pure wood-attribute power and the aura that seemed to be the coming **** of the heavens made Xiao Yu's heart beat faster.

"God pattern!! Pure wood **** pattern!!"

That figure turned out to be the awakener of God Run!

The blue light began to glow with amazing life force, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

The divine thunder kept scouring, and after reaching the back, it started pouring in all directions.

Countless thunder lights can't even shake this cyan mask!


The blue light soared for hundreds of kilometers, and the divine thunder was constantly weakened, and finally the blue light persisted.

And at this moment, a voice sounded--

"Hahaha, today I am physically Consummated, and the heavens will allow me to travel!"

Suddenly, a cyan figure immediately jumped up, and immediately turned into a streamer, disappearing into the void.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu couldn't help shaking.

Is this the scene of the flesh becoming holy and breaking through the void?

However, Xiao Yu noticed that when that person left, his physical body actually stayed in place!

At this moment, a voice sounded--

"My physical body has broken through the void, if someone with a heart gets my mortal body, I hope to treasure it, this is my lifelong comprehension."

Suddenly, the whole world began to change.

Through the vicissitudes of life, countless humans survived on this land, the spiritual power of heaven and earth began to be strong, but at the same time there were many more killings.

But because the picture was too fast, Xiao Yu couldn't capture it at all.

When he got to the back, his consciousness was forcibly pushed out.

Xiao Yu was still underground in the fairy lake, holding a gourd in his hand, but his heart was already unstable.

His eyes flickered, and he seemed to be shocked by the scene just now.

"Could it be... this is the plane continent of the strong man who has become a sacred flesh!!" Xiao Yu's eyes skyrocketed.

"No wonder! It's no wonder that the coffin continent has such a huge wood-attribute aura because that physical saint was the awakened of the wood **** pattern before he stepped through the void!"

"In other words, this space was left before he stepped through the void!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yu was stunned.

The Coffin Continent has been brewing here since ancient times.

The vicissitudes of life in the picture, with human activities and even scenes of fighting, are naturally the predecessor of the Coffin Continent and the scene of this continent's changes.

It's just that after so many years, the spiritual power of heaven and earth has spread across the entire continent, and the wood power in the human bloodline here has also become weak.

The so-called outstanding people are actually the gift of the ancestors!

In this way, the ancestors of the Ditong Mu family have found this secret realm, because they are all wood attributes!

Xiao Yu suddenly calmed down and said in secret, "But, what's the matter with the lifelessness inside?"


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