Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4858: Golden Wing Roc requirements

In the second world space, at this time Xiao Yu was in the Shen Tao Shu that he had completely moved in.

Connected to the Primordial Spirit Tree, there were already two creatures in the second world space.

The Yuan Lingshu is responsible for refining the impurity heaven and earth spiritual power, and then transform it into pure heaven and earth spiritual power for Xiao Yu to absorb.

The ginseng peach tree seemed to get rid of the shackles of the secret realm, and seemed to become more shining in this space, and the leaves were full of a kind of luster.

"Sure enough, the death energy in the secret realm is too strong and the energy is insufficient, so that the ginseng peach can only bear one fruit." Xiao Yu secretly said.

At this time, Qiongqi appeared, a black-red robe, his face was full of fortitude and coldness.

Xiao Yu was a little surprised, Qiongqi rarely turned into a human form.

But then, the Golden Wing Roc also appeared.

Jin Wing Dapeng looks like a thirty-year-old young man with a golden robe.

"Strange, did you two make an appointment?" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

These two guys have rarely spoken since they entered the secret realm.

Xiao Yu was also surprised, but he thought that Qiongqi and Golden Wing Dapeng wanted to let himself face these difficulties more, so he gradually did not rely too much on them, but he did not expect that they would appear now.

Qiongqi exclaimed, and said: "I spent my entire life, and I saw a ginseng peach tree tens of thousands of years ago. I didn't expect to see it again here."

The Golden Wing Roc also nodded and said: "Yes, the ginseng peach tree originally grows in some peculiar place, where the non-rich energy is not inhabited. I did not expect that this plane also has a plant, and It's still in the space all the time, so it's no wonder that there is no power to find here."

If anyone knew that the Coffin Continent, a medium-level plane continent, actually had this kind of heaven and earth spirit fruit, I'm afraid there would have been a mess here.

However, it is normal that no one found here.

As a result, the second world space is hidden, there is no entrance, no one can find it, and the ancestors of the Duanmu family also got it by chance.

On the other hand, the Coffin Continent has a large natural formation, which was laid down by that great power.

Of course, no one knows this double taboo.

Immediately afterwards, Qiongqi looked at Xiao Yu seriously, and said: "Boy, you must be careful when you go to the place of great evil. According to my feelings, that place is very dead. The reason for this complex atmosphere may be a tomb there."

Xiao Yu nodded.

When he slowly learned the origin of this space, he also understood the reasons for the death of those anger.

But because of this, he wants to go even more.

If Xiao Yu just wanted to try his luck at the beginning because of helping the Duanmu family, this opportunity, then his mentality is completely different now.

He got the gourd under the fairy lake, and knew the legend of the big fierce land. He naturally wanted to get that opportunity, which could help him solve the current cultivation problem!

"Don't worry, I will do what I can." Xiao Yu said.

Now that he has the Heart of Ice Soul, his strength is temporarily comparable to the US Dollar Soul Realm, so he has a trace of self-protection capital when he enters.

Qiongqi and Golden Wing Dapeng glanced at each other, as if they were hesitant to speak, but they didn't say anything in the end.

Xiao Yu looked at them and couldn't help asking curiously, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Qiongqi shook his head and left a sentence: "Anyway, be very careful of yourself."

Qiongqi left, but the Golden Wing Roc was still there, Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

Who knew that the Golden Wing Roc was staring at Xiao Yu and said, "Boy, I beg you for one thing."

"If there is a corpse in the horrible place, please help me with one."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he couldn't help looking at the Golden Wing Roc.


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