Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4862: Sixty-five heart veins!

In the second world space.

Xiao Yu's eyes burst with terrifying golden light.

The golden light skyrocketed, and it shot a few feet in length.

At the same time, the black gold scale armor also appeared on Xiao Yu's body, and his whole body was full of that kind of overbearing and powerful force.

This is the power of martial arts, this is Xiao Yu who has opened up 65 heart veins after being stimulated by the heart of the ice soul.

Xiao Yu clenched his fist, and hit it out of thin air.


There was a huge circle ripple of 20 to 30 meters in the air immediately, and this punch hit the void of the second world, erupting an amazing muffled noise.


The entire second world space began to vibrate slightly.

"I just punched it casually, enough to kill a pinnacle of the Dao Realm!" Xiao Yu's eyes burst with surprise.

Excitement made him feel an inexplicable shock.

The fifty-three heart veins are already equivalent to the middle stage of the Hedao realm.

When there were fifty-eight heart veins, it was already comparable to the Huayu Realm.

Now that he has a sixty-five-beat heart pulse, even Yuanpa Realm can contend for one or two!

He saw the martial arts power bursting out of 65 heart veins, almost like a river, full of his limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

One week in the second world space is equivalent to two months in the outside world.

Two months' time is equivalent to Xiao Yu's breakthrough from the middle stage of Hedao realm to the peak of Huayu realm!

This is a terrifying concept.

And his mind moved, and the dragon swallowed his breath. Unexpectedly, his realm also broke through to the late stage of the Hedao realm.

"The practice of Wu Mingdian and the breakthrough of my heart pulse have improved my other powers more or less." Xiao Yu secretly exclaimed in his heart.

Cultivation is basically the same, but the same way, the same goal.

The so-called moving the whole body with one move, every time Xiao Yu makes a breakthrough in other exercises, other powers will also increase. This is the reason why the cultivation as a whole, some of the Taoist enlightenment is common.

This kind of is like "Tong Wu".

Of course, after all, Xiao Yu was mainly practicing Wu Mingdian this week, and other power advancements were relatively limited.

But this is enough.

Xiao Yu came out of the second world. At this time, Snow White Ape had already entered.

I saw that the eyes of Snow White Ape began to glow with an amazing strange light, and it said solemnly: "Second World Space."

Xiao Yu nodded, did not hide, and said: "Yes, this is what my mother gave to me."

Snow White Ape suddenly took a breath.

There is a breath in the space, and it comes out of a certain void. This is definitely the second world space.

And what shocked him even more was that this second world space was actually given by this human mother?

It knows too clearly that the second world space can only be opened up by powerful people above the Soul Realm!

And the second world space opened up was originally connected with the owner.

And this young man is now an independent second world space, which can be given to other people!

Is this person's mother a terrifying existence?

Xiao Yu immediately blasted his fists at Snow White Ape, saying: "Thank you, senior, for your accomplishment."

Snow White Monkey's eyes flickered slightly.

In the past few days, if Snow White Ape didn't let go of his consciousness and let Xiao Yu urge the heart of the ice soul, Xiao Yu would not be able to break through.

Of course Xiao Yu knew this.

However, for Bai Xueyun, this was also a kind of adventure, because if Xiao Yu had even a little bit of evil intentions, his ice soul heart would not be able to take back.

"What you should be thankful for is your kindness." Snow White Ape gave Xiao Yu a deep look.


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