Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4864: Mu Yun

At this time, among the children headed by the Mu family, Muhe, Muguan, and a young man with Jianmei should be the head.

Muhe is in the middle stage of the feathered state, and the wooden crown is in the late stage of the feathered state, and the young man with sword eyebrows has a breath like a flat lake, but it is faintly, but like an abyss.

Peak of Huayu Realm!

This person's name is Mu Yun, and he is the leader in this third round.

A group of people searched in the secret realm and then gathered here.

"Where is Guifeng?" Mu Yun asked suddenly.

There is a cold smell between his gestures, and the Mu family children behind him are respectful, waiting for him to give orders.

After all, among the younger generation of the family, Mu Yun could rank in the top five!

Mu He's face looked ugly, but in the end he said, "I was killed."

Everyone's faces changed slightly.

Mu Guifeng and Mu He are both the top ten of the younger generation in the clan, and the most powerful one in the Duanmu family is in the middle of the Huayu Realm!

Was he killed by a monster beast?

"It's that kid." There was a trace of horror in Mu He's pupils, as if he was still hovering in the scene more than a week ago.

Immediately afterwards, Mu He explained the fighting situation that day.

The murderous expression in Mu Yun's eyes suddenly soared, and the others couldn't help taking a breath.

"Damn it! That kid actually killed so many of us!"

"In other words, most of our few people were killed by him!"

"The guy who killed this **** must break him into pieces!"

Mu Guan's eyes flickered, and he said, "The ginseng peach on the fairy lake may also be taken by him."

"What!?" The pupils of those present shrank.

I thought it was shocking enough for them to kill Mu Guifeng and others, but I didn't expect that they even took the ginseng peaches!

Mu Yun's eyes flashed with a strange cold light, he sneered: "Since he has teamed up with Snow White Ape and obtained the ginseng peach, then he will definitely come here. I want to see that this one comes from Cangling Academy. What is the ability of the people!!"

In fact, they didn't know much about Xiao Yu.

If they hadn't told them Xiao Yu's background before leaving, they wouldn't be too clear.

"And I heard that he seems to have killed many people in our collateral family and asked a domain owner to come and complain." A child suddenly said.

What he said was naturally the Maple Blue Domain and the Ishikawa Domain.

"Haha, it's interesting, it's really interesting." Mu Yun didn't say anything, but the eyes had already shot out inch by inch.

The faces of the two Duanmu family children who were avoiding not far away turned pale.

"Miss's husband is so powerful..."

"This is no longer a question of how terrible it is! Have you seen it! That person is Mu Yun, the top five of the younger generation, and it is said that he has touched the threshold of Yuan Po realm genius!"

"Won't that be bad? Auntie is going to suffer this time."

"Hey, who made this uncle so cruel! He came in just for chance, why did he kill so many people, and he had a grudge with the Mu family before!"

They were all puzzled, and secretly prayed for the newly promoted uncle.

In fact, if they knew what kind of situation Xiao Yu was in at the time, they might not have spoken like this.

Xiao Yu killed people for a reason, and would never kill innocent people indiscriminately. If it weren't for being forced, how could he do it?

Soon, some children of the Duanmu family saw the Mu family children coming here one after another, and then they also followed, but they did not move forward.

The lineup is so strong, they are trying to get a piece of the pie, are the Mu family children willing?

"Should be where the greatest opportunity lies ahead?


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