Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4870: Shishan

Nether Leopard's eyes showed fear, and he uttered, "That's a dark earth dragon."

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank slightly, dark earth dragon!

In the world of Nine Heavens, the dragon clan is the five-clawed golden dragon, and the blood is the highest and purest, that is, the blue dragon. The black dragons are just branches of the five-clawed golden dragon.

And below this, there are many "collateral dragons" with a little dragon blood.

It's like the dragon, but the snake has gone through more than ten thousand years of evolution before it has a little dragon bloodline, and it can barely catch up with the dragon.

It is like the dragon lizard that Xiao Yu encountered in the lower planes, the guardian monster of the black ginseng, the dragon lizard was infested by the blood of the dragon in ancient times, so it has the blood of the dragon.

But compared to the water snake and the water dragon, these are almost barely touching.

But this earth dragon is different.

There are more dragon bloodlines in the bloodlines of Earth Dragons, although they are not as pure as the first-class Qinglong and Black Dragons, they are not too few.

The reason why they became earth dragons is that these dragons have no wings.

"Dark Earth Dragon, I have only seen it in some ancient books. According to the legend, it is the practice of darkness, and then was kicked out of the dragon clan monster beast." Xiao Yu recalled.

"Dark Earth Dragon, Earth Ranking Fourteen!"

The monster beasts that can be close to the top ten in the rankings are already very powerful and terrifying.

"Dark Earth Dragon has extremely strong darkness power throughout its body, and its strength should be even stronger than the realm of the Taoist Tao." Xiao Yu couldn't help taking a breath.

The realm of hidden Tao, this is the realm after the Yuanpu realm. It is a pseudo realm that begins to introvert the Taoism and thus gathers more energy to prepare for future breakthroughs.

However, not to mention that it was the 14th place, or the top ten, Xiao Yu had no reason to be afraid.

The Nether Leopard was obviously very familiar with the route inside. It brought Xiao Yu into it from left to right. Although some "little beasts" raged on the road, they were all killed.

"It's there!"

After a while, Nether Leopard stopped.

Seeing the scene ahead, even Xiao Yu couldn't help but gasp, his heart pounding.

Although they encountered many corpses along the way, they were all scattered on the ground in twos and threes.

Needless to say, the corpses distributed are all latecomers.

But hundreds of meters in front of him, corpses piled up like a mountain!

In the middle of the corpse, there is a figure sitting cross-legged to dry up!

Ten meters around the corpse is clean!

In other words, no matter how powerful these powerhouses are, they will not be able to get within thirty feet of this figure!

"Snow White Ape should have ventured here before."

Although it was hundreds of meters apart, there seemed to be a magical force in front of him, preventing Xiao Yu from continuing to advance. It was simply terrifying.

"This is the corpse of the saint. When I was still very weak, he already existed." Nether Leopard spat out.

Xiao Yu said nothing.

I am afraid that this saint choosing to break through the nine-day thunder calamity on this continent is unimaginable by all monsters.

Xiao Yu's mind began to release, and he found that life was lingering on the corpse, but there was still a vaguely strong vitality.

"It was from him." Xiao Yu's eyes stunned.

No wonder the entire secret world is full of that kind of aura, it turns out that he exudes it!

But what about the lifelessness in him?

"Your Excellency, it's really time for you to come today. In one hour or so, the life around him will become the weakest. Then the monsters around will come, and that one... will be a fight by then." The leopard's neck shrank.


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