Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4881: Real Dragon Blood (Part 1)

Wan Xu only felt that his world over the past countless years seemed to be overturned.

In this young man, he actually felt the same breath of blood as himself!

The blood of the dragon!

How is this possible! !

That is the purest and one of the top beasts in the Nine Heavens World-the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon!

A phantom of a five-clawed golden dragon started to rise behind Xiao Yu.

A sound of dragon chants began to resound throughout the world, and it seemed that the whole world was shaken and dimmed by this sound of dragon chants.

"how is this possible!?"

The eyes of Mu Yun and others were wide. It was a five-clawed golden dragon from a beast!

This kid turned out to be practicing the five-claw golden dragon's physical exercises?

It's no wonder that his body is so perverted that Ke Ke darkly contends!

You must know that the method of body training by monsters is very difficult to cultivate.

Because of the different physiques of humans and monsters, it will cause humans to endure ten or even a hundred times more pain and hardship when cultivating monsters' body-refining techniques.

Not to mention, this is a five-clawed golden dragon!

The four most powerful beasts in the sky list!

However, in Wan Xu's eyes, it was completely different.

Because he still felt the power of the dragon blood in Xiao Yu's body.

Therefore, he kept saying impossible.

This person must be a good human being, because if it is a phantom dragon humanoid state, it is impossible to have other powers at all!

The power that touched him just now, even though it was very advanced, was also unheard of, but in his impression, the five-clawed golden dragon clan would never practice human techniques!

Because of the dragon swallowing gas, the dragon-suppressing pile is scary enough to run wild in the world of Nine Heavens!

"Wan Wan, Wan Wan, you don't even know who you are facing."

Although Xiao Yu looked up at the dark earth dragon flying in mid-air, his eyes had a supreme gaze.

The lack of sadness and joy in his eyes, that kind of domineering and awe-inspiring posture overlooking sentient beings, Wan Zhou's mind shook again.

Sure, this is the purest dragon bloodline power!

"Boy!! Who are you!" Wan Xu didn't believe why a human being had such a pure dragon bloodline.

Because this is a completely different concept from simply practicing the Dragon Clan's physical exercises!

Because to some extent, this human being is actually a dragon!

"Do you want to know? Then you beat me first!"

Wan Xu was shocked as if he had touched some great secret, but the nobility in his blood could not make him bow his head so much.

Suddenly, Wan Xu seemed to think of something, his eyes started to light up, and the color of greed flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"By the way, if I kill this kid and absorb the power of his bloodline, then my evolution will definitely take a step forward, and then I can leave this **** secret realm!"

Thinking of this, Wan Xu laughed three times and said: "Hahahaha! My Wan Xu has gone through tens of thousands of years, and no human has ever dared to provoke me. You are the first!"

"But it's also your last!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and then he stepped out, and then the dragon head behind him began to roar.


The sound of a earth-shattering dragon chanting seemed to be overwhelming.

The land with a radius of several thousand meters suddenly became a state of emptiness!

Long Yin was angry, and the world was shocking!


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