Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4884: Mu Yun's temptation

The so-called charm of the corpse, in simple terms, is that every time the corpse will release a certain kind of Taoism around it.

At this time, when humans or creatures approach, they will be nourished by these charms and gain a certain understanding.

The people outside didn't know, and only the Nether Leopard, who lived in secrets all the year round, knew about it.

And only the eyes of Snow White Ape began to show fear. Yes, when he came in, it was exactly at this time, this corpse just opened his eyes! And also condensed a clone!

Of course Xiao Yu knew this too, staring at the corpse.

The eyes of the people and the fierce beasts were all staring at the corpse.

A weird scene happened, but two green lights suddenly appeared in the eye sockets of the corpse, just like human eyes, extremely weird.

At the same time, what makes people feel even more incredible is that beside the corpse, a cyan figure condensed unexpectedly.

As soon as this figure appeared, a kind of terrifying Taoism appeared immediately. This kind of Taoism seemed to come from the highest law of heaven and earth. For a time, the whole audience couldn't help but shake a little.

They had never felt such a pure Taoist aura.

It's as if this is the breath from the gods.

Even Xiao Yu himself was completely shocked.

He himself has the breath of life force, the kind of resonance that seems to come from the soul, and the life has a long history.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with astonishing light, he knew that this was what he needed!

Mu Yun finally couldn't help it, and said loudly: "Everyone, this corpse clone is the Dao Yun creation we need! What we have to do now is to jointly kill this person, otherwise the people here will not get it! "

The eyes of the fierce beasts such as Black and White Luanfeng all flashed incomparably bright light.

The scene in which Xiao Yu killed the Dark Earth Dragon just now was really earth-shattering. The most important thing is that this person actually possesses the power of extremely pure dragon blood!

Although they don't know how this human being has such power.

But the only thing they can be sure of is that this human being is absolutely impossible for them to get this opportunity.

Xiao Yu stared at Mu Yun with awe-inspiring killing intent, and then glanced at the monsters such as the black and white Luanfeng, and sneered: "This good fortune has existed here for tens of thousands of years. If you really have a chance, then Don’t wait until this time, I believe you are not stupid, so why be instigated by others.”

The implication is that its solid wood is to borrow their hands to get rid of Xiao Yu!

These monsters are not low in intelligence at all, they soon want to understand.

Who knows, Mu Yun seemed to be confident, and sneered: "Boy, I'm afraid you don't know. What this corpse contains is a kind of wood-attributed Dao."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that all the children of our Coffin Continent are descendants of this strong man!! Over the years, we have developed a method that can be understood."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those monsters changed.

Xiao Yu actually knew this, so he was not surprised at all.

It's just that Mu Yun glanced at the fierce beasts and said, "If we join hands to get rid of this person, I can swear to God, if I get this good fortune, I will give you some Taoism! Time can still take you away from this place and become the guardian beast of our Mu Family. By then, countless treasures of heaven and earth will be inexhaustible, how about?"

As soon as he said this, Xiao Yu's eyes sank slightly.

What a big handwriting from the Mu family!


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