Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4891: I may not be worse than you!

He worked hard for so long just to obtain this inheritance so that he could help himself in his cultivation.

Now that this point has been reached, how could he quit after he quit?

Isn't this tantamount to depriving him of his rights?

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said, "Senior is too confident in his inheritance."

"What did you say?" The middle-aged man stared at Xiao Yu with a wink look.

In an instant, an astonishing murderous intent suddenly shrouded, and every kilometer in the radius was shrouded by a terrifying vigor.

This kind of breath is an incomparably pure wood power. It is impossible for all Duanmu and Mu family members to possess such a vast and profound breath.

Snow White Ape was stunned.

Wood attribute is another synonym for life attribute.

It had felt the pure to the extreme life attribute breath in Xiao Yu's body, which was different from the wood attribute breath.

The breath of Xiao Yu's body carries a kind of warmth of life, which makes people feel angry.

In contrast, the breath of middle-aged people is like a vast ocean.

Both have different tunes and equal effects, but the nature of the attributes is different. At the same time, the middle-aged person is obviously more profound.

In fact, this is a kind of aura and oppression. It is located on Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu did not bow his head at all, or even frowned.

He looked directly at the middle-aged man like this, with piercing eyes, and nodded: "Senior, I admit that you break through the boundaries of the law with a wood-attributed flesh body, and it is indeed very powerful to break through the void, but everything in the world has its own truth. I negate everything else because of my achievements."

"Just as I am still weak and small, but the things I cultivate are not inferior to yours. It's just that I have been cultivating for a short period of time. If I give me the same amount of time, I may not be worse than you, or even faster than you. Avenue!"

Xiao Yu's words were sonorous, and he appeared calm and confident under the circumstances.

That is a deep understanding of one's own strength, and also an ultimate comprehension of the nine-day world law.

The so-called watching the sky, watching the earth, watching the heart, and finally the audience, Xiao Yu's words have already shocked the middle-aged people.

Although the middle-aged person is calm, but his heart has long since turned over the river.

How much has been experienced, or how far has it been in cultivation, before you have such an understanding?

The understanding of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth is not necessarily related to time.

On the contrary, a mindset that constantly explores his inner world and the world of Nine Heavens, people under the same age can't be compared with this young man.

The middle-aged man’s eyes flickered, and he was still not angry, and said, "Young man, if you can say this, I know what you have experienced is definitely not understandable by ordinary people."

"You are right. I have been practicing for more than hundreds of thousands of years before I can see through the avenue of flesh and walk through the void. At the age of your early twenties, you can say these things. Most people who are stronger than you can't tell, but..."

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "If I had been in the past, I would have killed you with a thought!! Did you know that the saint's majesty is inviolable? But when you face me, you have the courage to say this. , And question me, well, I will give you a chance to defeat me with your most confident strength, and I will give you a chance to gain my heritage, otherwise, I will want you to fall into endless reincarnation and never to be superborn!"


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