Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4895: Shen Yun Punch

Jiang Hai stopped talking nonsense, his eyes showed a resolute color.

This kind of resolute color is a kind of mercilessness, even a ruin.

Although he didn't use all his power, in his opinion, with the power of his Eucharist Remnant, even if the power was suppressed to the level of the Awakening Realm, for him, killing people of the same level was simply Much easier than trampling an ant to death.

But because he respected Xiao Yu, and the arrogance of a strong man, he couldn't keep a trace of hands at all.

"Take out the confidence of your first family back then, and let me see if you are qualified to get my inheritance!!"

Jiang Hai finally stopped talking nonsense, his eyes drenched, and his fist style was like a raging river, containing an extremely terrifying charm in it.

This kind of power, even the Snow White Ape thousands of meters away, was shocked.

It was originally comparable to the existence of the US dollar spirit realm, but this kind of power actually made it feel a kind of fear.

Obviously there is only the cultivation base after the Hedao Realm, but it gives people the feeling that the Yuanpa Realm can't be shaken!

What is this concept?

After the Hedao state, there is the Huayu state, and then it is the Yuan soul state!

Is this the power of the sage?

Even if it was a remnant consciousness, he was a physical body that broke the laws of the world.

With the faculty that he has comprehended for thousands of years, the same level is simply a crushing existence!

Then, Jiang Hai hit it with a punch.

Spider lines appeared in the entire secret space, as if the entire secret space was about to be broken.

You know, this secret realm space can at least bear the Yuan soul realm, even the space above the realm of the hidden Tao.

According to the truth, the power of the Primal Soul Realm is simply unable to make the space crack appear!

If it is measured by strength, then of course it cannot be done, but this is not an ordinary state of strength, this is Shen Yun!

Shen Yun is blessed in power, so there is such a scary scene.

It's like the dragon bloodline's suppression and blessing in power, which is equivalent to weakening the power of the monster beast in disguise.

With that punch, even the space seemed to give way, and the Qingguangguang punch could break through an obstacle.

The strange thing is that with the appearance of this punch, the surrounding ground actually sprouts slightly, and the endless wood attribute power swept away, and the radius of thousands of meters was amazing.

This is the wood attribute **** pattern awakener, the breath escaping from the explosion of the green wood sacrament!

What a horror it is!

A punch that seems to contain the attributes of life wood, but it gives people the feeling that it can crush the sky.

Xiao Yu finally felt what Shen Yun is, this is Shen Yun!

"It's terrifying!! This is the power of the saint, the blessing of Shen Yun!!" Qiong Qi finally burst into shock in his heart.

They are fierce beasts of the ages, and they have also experienced battles with some gods, so they are more aware of how terrifying this charm is.

"This kid is dangerous." Golden Wing Roc said in a deep voice.

Both monsters became silent. They were not afraid of death, but thought of how Xiao Yu would deal with this punch.

Because with their attributes to Xiao Yu, even if the Shura tactics are pushed to the extreme, there is no way to burst out a punch of the same strength and realm!

The blood in Xiao Yu's eyes began to skyrocket, and his consciousness seemed to have entered the long river of eternal history.

"This punch, I must go next!!"


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