Shura God Emperor

Chapter 475: Natural attribute **** pattern

Under Xuefeng Mountain, the blood-colored mountain peak has faded away from its original appearance, the **** breath has faded, and a piece of white snow has been restored.

Xiao Yu went back to Zhang Fan's house, Zhang Fan was already waiting anxiously.

"Brother Yu, you are finally back, Xuefeng Mountain has restored its original appearance, I know that Brother Yu you succeeded." Zhang Fan said excitedly.

Xiao Yu smiled, but he said: "Don't be happy so early. Many people in your town have been planted with corpse seeds. If you don't stop them, these people will grow stronger and they will really die. Up."

"What should I do then?" Zhang Fan was anxious.

After questioning Hei San and before going up the mountain, Xiao Yu had already told Zhang Fan about his purpose of going up to Xuefeng Mountain, and of course he also told Hei San about the Ghost Underworld.

Now Zhang Fan knows the horror of the corpse seed, if it is not eliminated early, wouldn't Xuefeng Town become an uninhabited town?

Who knows, Xiao Yu suddenly looked at Zhang Fan, who was startled, and said, "Brother Yu, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Zhang Fan's face changed, and immediately he said: "No, no..."

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "Don't lie to me. I can feel the breath of the gods in your body. If I guess it is right, you have been hiding your gods. Am I right?"

Zhang Fan was startled, his face was surprised and confused.

"That's called Shenwen?"

This time it was Xiao Yu's turn to be startled, thinking that Zhang Fan didn't know anything.

Then Xiao Yu explained.

After a while, Zhang Fan hesitated for a while, and stretched out his arm. With a movement of his mind, a black sun pattern suddenly appeared on his arm.

Immediately afterwards, this pattern suddenly emitted a pale golden light and emerged.

"This is... a natural attribute **** pattern!"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Fan incredulously. It turned out to be a natural attribute **** pattern.

Natural attribute is among all types, known as the strongest type of **** pattern.

Because the power awakened by the natural attribute **** pattern is the closest to the world, such as the five element **** pattern branched from the natural attribute, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, these are very powerful pure attribute **** patterns.

"I understand. No wonder I sensed a strong yang breath from you at the beginning. It turned out to be a natural attribute **** pattern. If I guess correctly, this should be the light **** pattern."

Xiao Yu drew a sigh of relief. Divine Marks have ranks. For the time being, he encountered the strongest rank of Divine Marks in the capital. The queen sent him to kill him. It was called Shao Lin’s trident sea halberd. , Human-level five-rank **** pattern.

But Zhang Fan, he felt that at least they were all earth-level gods!

The **** pattern can be upgraded, but it is difficult, unless a talented person can.

"Is this... awesome?"

How awesome! If this is to be released, it must be snatched wildly!

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that, in fact, Zhang Fan was ignorant of his own Awakening Divine Mark.

After all, there are not many cultivators in Xuefeng Town, and in addition to the situation in Xuefeng Town, Zhang Fan doesn't even know who to say to him, it can only be hidden like this.

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "Zhang Fan, listen to me, no one can talk about the power of your gods. I will teach you a set of cultivation methods. Although the rank is not high, it is only for self-defense. When you feel that the time is right, look for higher-level exercises to practice. Now you are mainly comprehending your **** pattern and use your **** pattern power to purify those who have planted the corpse seeds."

"Purification?" Zhang Fan was confused.

"Yes." Xiao Yu explained again.

The entire Xuefeng Town people were affected by the Xuefeng Mountain's corpse aura, and they were even planted with corpse seeds, but Zhang Fan was not affected. It was enough to see that this was entirely due to his physique and the attributes of the gods.

Xiao Yu guessed that the attributes of the Divine Pattern of Light and the power attributes of the corpse were the opposite of each other.

Furthermore, as long as Zhang Fan understands the power of the power **** pattern, then those who have been planted with corpse seeds can restore their original appearance.

"Okay! Brother Yu, I listen to you!"

Xiao Yu nodded, and after teaching Zhang Fan a complete set of cultivation methods, and some self-defense spiritual skills suitable for him, he told a few more things, and then prepared to leave.

"Brother Yu, are you leaving?" Zhang Fan's eyes were a little bit sad, "When can I...when can I find you? I have to thank you for saving my father..."

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "When you save all the people in the town, you can almost go out and wander around. As for you said to find me and repay me, this is no longer needed. I don't know where it was at that time, so, There will be a period later."

Even Xiao Yu didn't know why he wanted to help Zhang Fan. He only felt that Zhang Fan's heart was pure and kind, and there was a different kind of affinity in it.

He guessed that given time, if Zhang Fan really worked hard to cultivate, he might be able to reach his own level or even surpass himself.

After talking about Xiao Yu, he left, Zhang Fan wanted to say something but stopped, his eyes filled with determination, this look, as if he had had it before Xiao Yu could not cultivate...

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