Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4905: Melting flesh

At this time, in the secret realm.

Xiao Yu agreed without hesitation.

"I'm ready!"

Xiao Yu's eyes showed a solemn expression, and said heavily.

For this opportunity, he even displayed the memory power of his blood.

No one knows how great his determination is.

That kind of perseverance and belief to become stronger is simply scary.

"Okay! Let's start now!" Jiang Hai didn't talk nonsense, and with a wave of his hand, a green light covered Xiao Yu.

Jiang Hai’s Aoki Eucharist inheritance is a kind of reincarnation, rebirth of flesh and blood, and even a higher level of promotion on the basis of life spirit.

Therefore, the failure rate that comes with it is very powerless.

In a short while, Xiao Yu entered a green world.

Then, Jiang Hai's voice came.

"Boy, I will not treat you preferentially because you defeated me. I let you enter my consciousness space because your power has conquered me, and I give you a chance. What you have to know is , Once my inheritance begins, it will either succeed or die. There is no third way!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu gasped suddenly.

Although he was mentally prepared, he could not help but feel that it was a test of life and death when he heard that it was either success or death.

To be honest, he had experienced many life and death adventures, but he was not as nervous as this one.

Because Jiang Hai clearly told him about life and death, not all the things he had experienced before. Although there were many dangers, it was at least vague.

As long as it is vague, it will give people a feeling of great vitality.

But now this is tantamount to breaking the boat, there is only one chance.

But, in other words, what if you know it, can there be a second choice?

The answer is no, because this is already the beginning.

From another angle, it is to give Xiao Yu a new choice. Would he choose not to have this opportunity?

The answer is also no.

Feeling the belief in Xiao Yu's soul, Jiang Hai's satisfied voice came in.

"Very well, I feel your determination and conviction, if so, let's start."

At this moment, all the green light began to cling to Xiao Yu's body.

It was a kind of wood-attribute power, but this power began to penetrate his flesh and blood, internal organs, and then penetrated his whole body like flowing water!

Xiao Yu only felt that his entire physical body had actually merged with these powers!

He felt that this world was the world of his own body, extremely vast.

"This is the first step in inheritance. It needs to melt your whole body. This kind of pain is thousands of times more painful than the bite of ants."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, melting his body? what is this?

But Qiong Qi and Jin Wing Dapeng took a breath after listening.

"It seems that this is a kind of inheritance of spiritual remodeling." Qin Qi said solemnly.

The Golden Wing Roc also nodded and said: "Indeed, because it is melting the flesh, it is equivalent to transforming the flesh, from every inch of skin, flesh and blood, or even a bit of hair, it can be completely transformed, but this pain , But inhuman."

"I hope this kid can hold on, I already feel that they are approaching." Qiong Qi said solemnly.

And at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a tingling and itchy sensation, and immediately afterwards, his body began to explode.


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