Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4914: Jiang Hai is gone

His eyes were full of relief.

In fact, in his opinion, it was almost impossible for Xiao Yu to pass through the two levels, because it was indeed too difficult for a state of harmony.

However, this person relied on complete willpower and conviction, and with the help of certain powers, he just carried the past, which made Jiang Hai look impressive.

Sometimes success requires a lot of luck, but many times it also requires external help.

From Jiang Hai's point of view, Xiao Yu's perseverance and conviction do account for most of the factors, and another reason is that Xiao Yu originally possessed a lot of power as his foundation.

It's like the spirit body of the innate life. Without this spirit body, Xiao Yu would not have been so relaxed in the early stage. If it was replaced by someone else, it would have disappeared in the morning.

But just like Jiang Hai, being able to become holy in the flesh, in addition to his own talent is high enough, in his so many years of cultivation, in fact, there are many people's help and guidance.

Xiao Yu hugged his fists toward Jiang Hai, and solemnly said, "Thank you, senior, for your completion."

Jiang Hai waved his hand and said indifferently: "This is an opportunity you have won for yourself. You don't need to thank me."

Suddenly, at this moment, Jiang Hai's body began to become illusory, and Xiao Yu's heart moved. He knew that Jiang Hai was about to leave.

And he knew even better that what Jiang Hai left was just the leftover knowledge left in the Nine Heavens World. Jiang Hai's true subject consciousness had already broken through the void, so this was not a parting of life and death.

Jiang Hai smiled faintly, he also knew that his time was running out, but he had completely lost the regret he had left in the world of nine days.

"These two are your Aoki clones. You only need to separate a trace of your consciousness into it, and he will become the other you, and your other cultivation methods can also be cultivated on the clone."

Xiao Yu nodded, he couldn't wait to try.

But Xiao Yu knew even better that Jiang Hai could leave at any time.

"Senior, do you want to leave?" Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said.

In any case, this inheritance was passed on to him by Jiang Hai. To some extent, Jiang Hai could not be exaggerated as his teacher or master.

Jiang Hai seemed to see Xiao Yu's feelings. He calmly said: "Boy, there is no need to miss anything. Although you are my heir, you have not yet gained my true approval."

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes flickering and said, "This is just the beginning, but the road to becoming a **** is not only indispensable for inheritance, chance, but also perseverance, xinxing, etc."

"Among the people I know, there are many who have also obtained the inheritance or chance of the gods, or some of the gods of the chaotic period, but how much can they become gods?"

Xiao Yu immediately held his breath and lowered his head to listen.

Every sentence of Jiang Hai was like a morning bell of warning, shaking his mind and body firmly.

"So, you must not be proud. You must fight against the sky and the earth in awe. Only in this way can you comprehend the true way. At this point, no one can help you except yourself."

"Thank you senior for your guidance!" Xiao Yu bowed heavily and clasped his fists.

Jiang Hai nodded, and his figure began to become transparent.

"My inheritance, everything is in this Aoki Sacred Art, I hope to help you. Of course, since you are my inheritance, I also naturally hope that one day, we can truly meet."

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Hai's face that had already begun to drift away with the wind.

See you!

Have to step through the void?


Before leaving, Jiang Hai said, "This world is the last gift I leave to you. Also, I hope you have a broader vision, because it's me, it's just a new beginning."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Yu's whole body was shaken, only to feel that a secret was passed into his mind, and Jiang Hai had already drifted away.


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