Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4916: The final negotiation (part one)

When the rivers and seas dissipated, suddenly, a trembling muffled sound resounded above the coffin continent.

An astonishing wave began to oscillate, and the terrifying aura wave caused even Duan Muting and Mu Tianhong who were cross-legged meditating in the distance opened their eyes.

Duan Muting could feel that the connection between himself and the secret realm had been lost.

Mu Tianhong felt this scene, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

"Is it finally over?" He stood up and flew to Mu Bai and the others.

Duanmu Ting also came to Duanmu Song's camp.

At this time, the faces of the entire Duanmu family turned into a bitter gourd color.

They thought that they were very happy to hear that Xiao Yu had entered the final place of great evil and began to gain the chance to pass on.

But the result now is that their faces are all heavy.

The breath of the secret realm disappeared, and it was not what Duan Musong did, but completely disappeared by himself.

But that person did not come back. What does this mean?

Needless to say, they all know that it must have dissipated between the heaven and the earth as the secret realm was broken.

Duanmu's family all showed a bitter melon face, and sighed.

Luo Feng in the crowd looked incredulous, but he was silent soon.

"No, Brother Yu's consciousness is still there, he is not dead yet." Luo Feng secretly said in his heart.

Long before the third round, Xiao Yu gave Luo Feng his own life jade slip.

Luo Feng could feel Xiao Yu's life jade slip still aura!

But he didn't say it, because he knew that the sword had already begun to be here.

On the Mu Family's side, everything was ridiculing.

Originally, when they knew that only Xiao Yu had entered the land of the fierce, the expression was shocked, but now it seemed to be just a joke.

Of course, in any case, the life and death of Mu Yun and others gave them a great shock.

After all, Mu Yun could also be ranked among the top five existences in the family. How could they be reconciled if they died for no reason?

Therefore, the Mu family looked at all of the Duanmu family coldly, and the indifference in their eyes seemed to eat them all in half.

But now there is a question. This question is how to judge the third round?

Both Duanmu Family and Mu Family were silent.

The original meaning is very simple. In the third round of the competition, the standard is to participate in the peach or get the chance inside.

But now?

If no one comes out, how can we get this judgment?

Duan Muting was silent, while Mu Tianhong carried his hands on his back and looked calm.

Finally, Muju spoke.

Mu Ju stared at Duanmu Ting and the others, and said, "Now that the secret realm has disappeared, it is better for everyone to discuss a result."

Duanmusong and others were hesitant on their faces, while Duanmu Donglu gritted his teeth and shouted: "In the third round, our judgment standard was originally to be one of chance and Shentao.

"Yes, then?" Muju sneered.

"According to what the disciple said, Shentao was obtained by people on our side." Duanmu Donglu didn't seem to have much confidence and didn't say it completely.

Muju sneered and said, "You mean, you win the third round, right? What about that person? How about Santao?"

Duanmu Donglu was speechless immediately.

But then Mu Ju sternly shouted: "We have killed so many children, but your people killed them. We didn't settle accounts with you. You still want this third round victory!?"

Duanmu Donglu was speechless, and the other Duanmu family members were silent.

Just now Duanmuxuan and the others told the scene they saw inside, which really made Mu Family Lei Ting angry.

It's just that the secret realm was still there, they didn't care about it.

Now the Secret Realm is no longer there, the people inside are already dead, of course they have to calculate it clearly.

Mu Ronghua also said coldly: "You mutilated your fellow sect, in my opinion, you are not qualified to occupy here at all!"

As soon as this statement came out, Duanmu's face changed.

Mu Ronghua's words clearly mean the end of the negotiation!


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