Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4921: The voice of two ancient beasts

Xiao Yu didn't expect that, after passing such an inhuman inheritance, his cultivation level would actually break through to the Huayu Realm.

However, his mentality has become more mature and calmer than before.

It seems that for him, all of this is inevitable.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and his figure directly left the second world dimension, and then entered the wood space.

In the Wood Space, his mind moved, and he summoned the Golden Wing Roc.

Yes, the Golden Winged Dapeng was calling him just now.

The Golden Winged Dapeng has turned into a handsome middle-aged man, and his golden robe looks very noble.

After a while, Qiongqi himself appeared.

The black-red robes, majestic, with a beard, are amazing.

"You finally took the initiative to find me." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

During their inheritance, Golden Wing Dapeng and Qiongqi didn't pay attention to them, and even when they entered the secret realm, they hardly spoke.

The only opening may be that Qiongqi took the initiative to devour the Dark Earth Dragon.

Therefore, as soon as Qiongqi appeared, Xiao Yu could clearly feel that Qiongqi's cultivation base had greatly increased, and in a vague way, it was already comparable to the thirty-eighth existence of the Red Flame Beast.

"Boy, thank you for the dark earth dragon, its blood really helped me a lot." Qiongqi clasped his fists in gratitude.

Xiao Yu waved his hand and said, "It's just a use of waste. I am also happy to see that your cultivation base can come back."

Speaking of it, his relationship with Qiongqi is even deeper.

When he first cooperated with Qiongqi, he also taught some of his own secrets, so that he was enough to win the first place in the final assessment, and he also possessed such a powerful force.

Moreover, on the way, Qiongqi also helped him a lot, and even lived through life and death tribulations, which is considered to be true.

Xiao Yu looked at the silent Golden Winged Roc, he chuckled, and with a gesture, a corpse broke out of the ground from under the ground, and then arrived in front of Xiao Yu.

"This..." Jin Wing Dapeng's eyes lit up.

Although this corpse has been around for a long time, its internal organs are almost flawless, and there is still some vitality in it.

This is naturally what belongs to the Secret Realm of Wood.

Speaking of which, Jiang Hai is gone, this second world space is naturally his.

But you must know that this mysterious realm has fallen to many powerful people.

Therefore, under this land are the corpses of some powerful people, and even some treasures, cultivation methods, etc., are very numerous.

The gift Jiang Hai left to him was indeed a great gift.

Of course, although the entire secret realm is small for a continent, it is also a huge area.

Xiao Yu was able to control this small second world space entirely because of Jiang Hai's inheritance.

Otherwise, it is a spirit realm, and I am afraid that I will not be able to control it.

"Boy, thank you."

The golden winged roc figure merged into the corpse, the golden light flickered, and the corpse began to have the shadow of the golden winged roc.

Xiao Yu didn't bother him, and walked to the other side of the jungle with Qiongqi.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Xiao Yu found out that Qiongqi seemed to stop talking.

Qiongqi looked at Xiao Yu, and when he was about to speak, Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will let you go when this matter is over."

Qiongqi's expression changed, and then he smiled bitterly: "It seems I still underestimated you."

Xiao Yu chuckled slightly. In fact, during this time, he had guessed what was wrong with Qiongqi and Golden Wing Roc.

They deliberately kept silent and allowed themselves to face the difficulties alone, didn't they just want to get used to it?

Xiao Yu turned around and left, leaving a sentence, "I don't mean to bind you all my life, because I already regard you as my friends."

Qiongqi shook his whole body and suddenly raised his head to look at Xiao Yu, while the corpse of the Golden Winged Roc in the distance also flickered.

the other side.

Snow White Ape had already returned to its own ice cave, because it didn't know what happened to Xiao Yu, but it could feel that this secret realm seemed a little different.

At this moment, a voice rang in the ice cave.

"Go, I'll take you out. It's time to meet a friend."

Snow White Ape suddenly stood up and was suddenly ecstatic.


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