Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4923: The last guardian of the Duanmu family


Mu Tianhong laughed and said: "Duan Muting, why is this? You and I do not have any deep hatred. On the contrary, as long as you let Shen Mu Gu, I can let you become the elder of Keqing and manage the family together, how about?"

The faces of the Duanmu family turned pale. Doesn't this mean that Duanmu Ting wants to listen to Ling Mu Tianhong?

You know, Duanmuting is the most orthodox family heir!

"From the moment the ancestors separated, I was the bloodline supporter of the guardian of the Patriarch! I still disagree with your approach. Only if I die in battle can I be worthy of my ancestors!"

As soon as he said this, Mu Tianhong's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Stupid!" Mu Ronghua sneered.

"The champions of the bloodline? It's just a group of frogs watching the sky. If you don't go out, you will never know how big this world is."

Mu Bai said indifferently: "Maybe the ancestors were wrong at the beginning, but they don't want to admit it. After all, as long as the sheep nature is fixed, it is difficult to change, but it is destined to be eaten by the wolf."

Mu Bai and others sneered at Duanmu Ting and even some of their ancestors' opposition.

In their opinion, Mashan is being ridden by people, and the kindness of the sheep is destined to be eaten by wolves.

And they are goats with antelope horns that can protect themselves and even be more united.

These sheep are destined to be eliminated.

Therefore, in their hearts, even people like Duanmu Xianglin and Duanmuxuan, because they know current affairs and know how to stand by.

Rather than being stubborn like Duan Mu Song and others.

"Father..." Duanmu Shilan's tears were left behind.

Luo Feng, who is a foreigner, couldn't help sighing in his heart.

What is right or wrong?

It's just a choice.

The so-called winners and losers, losers never have the right to speak.

And he also knows that some things are more important than his own life, such as certain beliefs that outsiders cannot understand.

Only oneself can protect it, and even pay for one's own life, because all this is worth it.

Sometimes, death does not require any excuses, nor does it require any reason.

Just need to guard the root of the heart, it is enough.

Therefore, Duanmu Ting is enough for Luo Feng to remember.

"I'll give you another chance, are you really stubborn!" Mu Tianhong screamed.

"Come on! Let me talk to you for a while and see if you are qualified to be the strongest of our family!" Duan Muting's eyes flashed with blue light, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming.

"Good! I will fulfill you!"

Mu Tianhong no longer talked nonsense, he shouted and punched him.

With his punch, Qingmang swelled out of a hundred meters of light, and his fist was like the sun.

"Aoki Yaori Fist!"

All the people present changed their colors. This is one of the strongest martial arts in the history of secret arts!

That is almost the top existence in the heavenly spiritual skills!

Duanmuting's pupils shrank slightly. He was already at the end of the battle. He had tried his best for more than a dozen rounds, but he knew that at this moment, he could not shrink back anyway.

Duan Muting urged the remaining power of the whole body and hit it out with one punch.


Mu Tianhong's punch was like breaking a bamboo, and Duanmuting's fist burst instantly, and his whole body shot to the ground like a sharp sword.



The heart-piercing voice remembered, but it was not over yet.

Mu Tianhong's eyes were awe-inspiring to kill, and he rushed down like a meteor, hitting the dying Duanmu Ting with a punch.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!!" Mu Tianhong said coldly.

Duanmu's complexion turned pale, Mu Tianhong is going to kill him!

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the sky, and a sound resounded like a nine-day **** of thunder.

"Mu Tianhong, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, so why kill each other."

When hearing this voice, the eyes of Duan Mu Shilan, Luo Feng, Duan Mu Song and others lit up.

It's him!


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