Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4930: Day of the week fist!

However, Mu Tianhong quickly retreated, and then his hands began to clasp together. With Xiao Yu as the center, these countless green lights began to condense within a radius of 300 meters.

The power of the sky and the earth with a radius of a thousand meters began to frantically converge towards this green light.

Slowly, the green light seemed to be condensed by clouds and mist, and the horrible wood power rolled, and then began to close, wrapping Xiao Yu into a blue prison.

Seeing this scene, Duanmuting's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is one of the ancestors' strongest moves!!" Duan Musong exclaimed.

The power of this wood cane technique is to spur the power of heaven and earth, endlessly transforming into the power of wood, and then form a cage to wrap the opponent into zongzi, and finally kill!

The air currents within a kilometer of the surrounding area flowed in like tides, the three-hundred-meter green light mask was shrinking, and the influx of the power of heaven and earth continued to flow in.

"Father, is there a way to crack it?" Duanmu Shilan asked quickly.

Duan Muting's eyes were solemn, and said: "The trapped person, unless the understanding of the power of wood is stronger than that of the caster, or he can break it with absolute power."

Everyone paled.

The Mu family finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is only at this moment that they feel that they are proud.

In the first few rounds, Mu Tianhong, who was the head of the Patriarch, was almost always crushed and beaten. Now that they saw Xiao Yu collapsed, how could they be unhappy?

But just as the green light mask kept shrinking, Xiao Yu's voice of laughter came from inside.

"Mu Tianhong, this is it?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a "boom", and Xiao Yu punched in the mask.

It was still the Sun Fist, but at the moment of the collision, with a "boom", the light mask turned into a cyan light spot in the sky, and a little meteor shower exploded in the sky.

"What!?" Mu Tianhong's pupils shrank, and with a terrifying explosive vigor, the power of the sky and the earth within a radius of 800 meters was annihilated, and he immediately retreated.


Duan Muting and others were dumbfounded, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Who could have imagined that just now he said that this trick was difficult to crack, but Xiao Yu would break it in the next second!

The whole Mu family was silent, and the young man's eyes looking at the sky had completely changed.

This kid is a monster!

Mu Tianhong's heart sank to the valley.

Xiao Yu's horror really exceeded his expectations.

He wanted to trap the opponent with this trick, but the opponent escaped.

Mu Tianhong didn't realize that his chest felt a little dull. After all, he consumed so much, and he was broken one after another. Not to mention the power of backlash, he had suffered some minor injuries to his body.

The realm that Xiao Yu understood of the power of the green wood, and the horror of the power of the green wood, could not be compared to ordinary people.

Mu Tianhong roared, and the power of the green wood within a kilometer of a radius began to rush into his body.

Feeling the ever-increasing strength of Mu Tianhong's body, the fighting spirit in Xiao Yu's eyes also became extremely violent.

"Mu Tianhong, let go of your hands and feet and enjoy the fight! One more move, Big Yao Ri Fist!!"

Xiao Yu laughed three times, like a human being. He punched out with one punch, which looked like a sun one day.

The power of green wood in the sky is constantly surging out, and the vast power is like a vast ocean.

All felt the sky as if there was an ocean about to fall down, and felt the heavy and vast green wood power, and the whole audience was shaken.

"How can he use such a pure wood power!" The Mu Family shook.

Mu Tianhong secretly cried out badly, while Xiao Yu yelled, "Break me!!"

Immediately afterwards, the Yaori Fist, which was ten times stronger than Mu Tianhong just now, suddenly enveloped.


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