Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4943: Jiang Hai's Will

Originally, Xiao Yu intended to stimulate the power of the entire wood secret realm to the extreme.

Although such a situation would damage his foundation and affect the stability of the Secret Realm of Wood.

But he knew it too well. Facing this horrible palm of the world, it was really too difficult and too difficult to compete.

But Xiao Yu was ready to fight to the death.

Because no matter what, he can't back down.

But who knows, a monstrous thought came out in the Secret Realm of Wood.

As soon as this monstrous thought appeared, it seemed as if the spiritual power of the entire Coffin Continent was trembling.

This is the supreme power above the power of the coffin continent wood!

It's Jiang Hai!

Even Xiao Yu couldn't imagine that Jiang Hai's consciousness was in his own wood secret realm.

A monstrous power suddenly appeared on Xiao Yu. When the powerful spirit's offensive fell, instead of killing Xiao Yu, he was shaken to ashes by this power.

"Huh?" The mighty soul narrowed his eyes suddenly.

He didn't seem to expect that there was a power in this young man who could block his own blow.

Everyone was stunned. What happened?

But it was seen that the green light on Xiao Yu's body began to flourish, the kind of green light that made him look extremely sacred.

Even almost, the strength of the green wood on him crazily condensed to the point of shocking heaven and human, as if a **** descended from the earth.

This is Jiang Hai's mind blessing on his body!

"Who are you?" the mighty man asked coldly.

He felt the horror of Jiang Hai, and the aura of this horror turned out to be stronger than himself.

He was already at the power level, but when faced with this power, he still felt the monstrous pressure on his realm.

"Haha, Lord?"

"Xiao Yu" couldn't help but sneered.

At this moment he is Jiang Hai, Jiang Hai is him.

The manner in which he speaks like this is like defying the world of Nine Heavens, which makes people feel very surprised.

"My name is Jiang Hai." Xiao Yu said lightly, his face filled with a sacred light.

Anyone who sees this sacred light will feel like a dream.

Although it was manifested through Xiao Yu's body, it was shocking enough.

"Jiang Hai?" The mighty soul frowned, and immediately fell into contemplation.

It seems that in his impression, there is no such person as Jiang Hai.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Go away, you are not my opponent."

The eyes of the mighty soul drenched suddenly, and the same indifferent color appeared in his eyes.

Powerful people above the Soul Realm can already be regarded as world-class powerhouses for nine days.

Like the Mighty One has been called the Venerable by the Nine Heavens World, that is the title of the Nine Heavens Supreme, the top of the world, and the most noble title of mortal power given by hundreds of millions of creatures.

"I’m fighting in the world of Nine Heavens. I’ve never heard of your name. It’s the big Western Heaven magnate who saw me. They worshipped me and respected three points. Even the elders of the ancient clan who saw me were afraid I look straight, you want me to go away?"

As soon as the voice fell, a monstrous might fell from the sky, and the hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire Coffin Continent seemed to feel a terrifying need.

Even beings like Mu Tianhong have already landed on the earth, because the thoughts of that mighty soul is really terrifying, as long as he breathes for one more time, he will definitely suffocate to death.

This is the majesty of might!

And this mighty power named Kou Zhan, every word he said shocked everyone's heart.

The attitude of being in charge of the universe and watching sentient beings was vividly reflected in a few words.

Crossing the Nine Heavens World, the Great Western Heavenly Giants, worshipping, the patriarch of the ancient clan, which one is not a peerless existence that looks down upon the heaven and the earth!

"Hahaha! I care who you are, if you dare to hurt my descendants, I will kill you."

"You dare!"

Kou Zhan was furious, his eyes drenched, his divine light flashed, and his palm fell.

In an instant, with Xiao Yu as the center, a radius of one thousand meters suddenly became an area of ​​nothingness.

Mu Tianhong exclaimed: "True Domain!!"


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