Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4951: Is a killer

I don't know when, a figure appeared in the sky silently.

The man was wearing a large black robe, and the word "kill" was tattooed on the chest in white embroidery.

This robe seemed to have a strange wave, and an extremely terrifying Xiao murderous aura began to sweep out.

Suddenly, the sky, which was originally clear and clear, suddenly showed a huge haze.

The whole sky seemed to be gloomy in an instant.

The same aura like the mighty sky made all the people present pale in shock.

"The Soul Realm!?"

How can everyone think that after a Kou Zhan has just left, now there is another Divine Soul Realm!

Moreover, as soon as the powerhouse of the Divine Soul Realm appeared, the aura of a hundred miles around seemed to be frozen.

Although this strong man did not explode the strongest power, but this posture that rouses the momentum of the world at every turn is simply terrifying!

The most important thing is that this person is the ontology!

It's not the so-called ghost clone!

In other words, once the power of this body breaks out, it will be far more terrifying than the previous confrontation between Jiang Hai and Kou Zhan!

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts suddenly sank.

What day is today! So many powerhouses came all at once.

But some people seem to notice that this middle-aged man seems to be calling the son of Shura just now.

"Son of Shura?"

Everyone frowned, and they all looked surprised.

"He?" But soon, someone exclaimed, just because the man turned out to be overlooking someone.

That person is Xiao Yu!

And Xiao Yu's eyes looked up to the sky, and he glanced at the eyes of this figure, and an astonishing killing intent began to spread.

Planar hunter!

Yes, Xiao Yu knew the aura on this person too well, it was exactly the same as Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang who were killed by him.

Planar hunter, the most mysterious organization in the world of Nine Heavens.

Those who can join this organization are all first-class super strong.

These superpowers are either traitors to the family, villains who kill without blinking, or heroes of the famous party.

Therefore, the organization of Planar Hunters can be said to be the most frightening and notorious existence in the Nine Heavens World.

"Planar hunter!" Suddenly, Mu Tianhong's pupils shrank suddenly.

This white iconic "killing" character, and a large black robe, combined with the feeling that after Xiao Xiao reached the extreme, it can make the soul tremble, this is the plane hunter!

In any case, he couldn't imagine that the plane hunter appeared in this place!

Everyone's expressions changed frantically as soon as they heard the name that talked about the tiger's face.

"How come, how could he come here!"

"It is rumored that they have the ability to transmit in space. What this organization is best at is remote pursuit!"

No matter it is for anyone, it is very difficult for anyone to cross a space channel to a plane continent out of thin air.

As for plane hunters, they seem to be born with such power.

Because even the powerhouse of the ordinary Divine Soul Realm cultivation base, he dare not say that he can traverse the space channel at will.

But plane hunters can!

"Son of Shura? What is that?" someone asked suspiciously.

The vast majority of people, born in this era, cannot understand things more than 100,000 years ago.

In Duanmu's house, Duanmu Song's pupils suddenly shrank when hearing this word, and his whole body was trembling.

"Sura... isn't this the title of the first family one hundred thousand years ago after the Battle of the Gods?"

Hearing this, the audience couldn't help but change their color.

The Qiongqi and the Golden Wing Roc in Xiao Yu's body also shook for the first time.

They are very familiar with the aura of the hunters on the plane.

"He actually came after him, could it be..."

Xiao Yu stared at the figure in the sky, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you."

"My name is Zecan, and I am the one who took your life."


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