Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4965: Rhubarb, Xiaolong!

Xiao Yu had imagined countless times where Da Huang and Xiao Long were, what suffering they would suffer, and even when they would meet next time.

Rhubarb has been Xiao Yu's playmate since childhood. He has accompanied him from being unable to practice to leaving the dynasty, and even his enlightenment mentor.

And Xiaolong, they have fought together, they are connected with each other, and they live and die together. It is an indescribable feeling.

After the big yellow took Xiaolong away that day, Xiao Yu knew that once he went there, he didn't know when he would meet again.

He knew that Rhubarb was a member of the Sirius clan, but he also knew that something happened in Rhubarb's clan.

Rhubarb did not say, nor did Xiao Yu ask.

Because Xiao Yu knows very well that this is the character of Rhubarb, and Rhubarb does not want to put pressure on Xiao Yu.

But Xiao Yu countless times thought of his weak strength and unable to help Rhubarb, even when Xiaolong couldn't keep it, he would miss Rhubarb and Xiaolong together.

But he knew better that only when he became stronger would he be able to see Rhubarb and Xiaolong.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when his life was dying, he met a long-lost friend in this situation.

His heart was surging like a wave.

Only when I was most helpless, when I needed the people around me the most, did I understand Xiao Yu's feeling of reunion after a long absence.

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that he had a huge backing behind him.

This backing gave him stronger strength, allowing him to maintain the determination to fight to the end when facing this moment of life and death.


Everyone was shocked and suspicious, and was even more shocked at Xiao Yu.

This kind of torn up the void, the two people standing up in the sky, unexpectedly also knew this person!

How terrifying is the power behind him!

"Boy, yes, you can finally let me look at you." The middle-aged man nodded, his eyes filled with relief.

Although Xiao Yu was only a cultivation base in the late stage of the Huayu Realm, Xiao Yu relied on the three clones and the power in the memory of blood to be able to compete with Zecan in the Soul Realm to this point.

This kind of potential, this kind of power, is what everyone sees.

After all, it is impossible for anyone to do this level.

Because they are human beings, and Xiao Yu, in their opinion, is already a monster!

It is very difficult to be recognized by rhubarb.

But every time he gets the approval of Rhubarb, it is the greatest encouragement for Xiao Yu.

"Xiaolong, you have grown up a lot." Xiao Yu smiled softly.

His smile contained too much meaning in it.

Xiaolong originally contained certain dragon bloodlines in it, but now, Xiao Yu already has the real dragon bloodlines, so he can feel it more clearly.

Xiaolong grinned and said, "Rhubarb said that it is up to you to transform me into a human form."

"It's all on me?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, but quickly realized it suddenly.

That's it!

I have signed a contract with Xiaolong!

Having the blood of the dragon clan is equivalent to inspiring the blood of the dragon clan in the dragon in a disguised form.

"But his blood is not the same as yours, you may know in the future, or it may be better than yours." Rhubarb said.

Xiao Yu was dumbfounded, more powerful than his real five-clawed golden dragon bloodline?

What kind of level is that?

Their reminiscences like no one left everyone in the distance dumbfounded, and it made Ze Can's whole body raging.

Ze Can stared at the rhubarb, and said: "You are a member of the Sirius clan! Who are you!!"

At this time, Rhubarb looked at Zecan, his eyes showed a look of gaze, and said: "The little guy who just entered the realm of the soul is screaming in front of me. It is your boss who is here and will give it to me. Three points of face."

"You are presumptuous!!"

Ze Can was furious and struck the rhubarb with a punch.

At this moment, Xiao Yu finally truly saw the truest details of rhubarb, how abnormal it was.


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