Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4982: Finally tamed

The woman's eyes flashed with an astonishing killing intent, and when she moved her thoughts, the pink peach blossoms shrank even faster.

The peach-white flame is completely an invisible combustion, constantly refining the flame on Xiao Yu's body.

Soon, after a while, Xiao Yu already felt a hot sensation, because the peach lotus flame on his body had a vague feeling of disappearing.

He recalled what Taolian Core had said to himself before leaving.

"Human, you have to be clear that for you, this matter is not just a life of nine deaths, or even an adventure with no chance. Are you sure you want to try?"

Even after my sister had been teleported for thousands of miles, Daoxing was still not as tall as her sister, and in the end she could only lose.

But almost all of what my sister did was in her sister's expectation.

In other words, Xiao Yu can hardly have any external force, and he has become a turtle in the urn!

Seeing that the flame had shrunk to the size of a hundred meters, the Taolian flame on Xiao Yu's body had almost disappeared.

The terrifying heat wave seemed to swallow Xiao Yu completely, making Xiao Yu's eyes narrow.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"How do you know that I dared to answer before I got the inheritance of Senior Jiang, let alone now?" Xiao Yu murmured in his heart.

At the next moment, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with blue light, and the power of the Wood Element was madly surging from his body, gathering in the flames of the peach lotus on his body.


The peach lotus flame seemed to have been ignited by something, and it instantly turned into a milky white, and began to envelop Xiao Yu violently.

"Huh?" The woman was unbelievable.

Wood attribute energy!

And still so pure.

The so-called wood makes fire, the core of the peach lotus is the burning fire of the fire attribute, and Xiao Yu possesses the purest wood attribute power in the Nine Heavens World. How can he be afraid?

The Greenwood Holy Physique began to drive frantically, as if being nourished by Xiao Yu's wood-attribute power, the flames on his body actually slowly expanded.


The woman obviously didn't expect Xiao Yu to have such a backlash, and her face changed drastically.

"Boy, I see how long you can hold on!"

Her signature changed, and the dark pink flame outside was shrinking crazily.

And here, Xiao Yu was resisting, while frantically expanding his body protection flame.

After a few minutes, the flame on Xiao Yu's body hadn't become smaller, it had actually grown bigger.

Slowly, the flames of Xiao Yu's body and the shrinking flames from outside were getting closer and closer, and when they reached the back they overlapped.

At this time, it means that the strength of the two is exactly the same.

"How is it possible!?" The woman yelled, her eyes full of disbelief.

The power of this wood attribute is so powerful!

Even her thousand years of energy can't refine it!

"The impossible is yet to come!"

The cold light in Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with dazzling brilliance, and all the wood attribute powers in the Secret Realm of Wood were mobilized crazily by him.

The peach-white flame on his body finally broke through the shackles and broke through the woman's burning flame.

"Do not!!!"


There was a loud explosion that destroyed the earth.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu's eyes condensed, and the overwhelming peach-white flames began to sweep toward the woman like a tornado, and swallowed it instantly in the scream of the woman.

After a while, everything was calm again, and then I saw that in Xiao Yu's palm, a stronger peach-white flame appeared.

Then a feeling of connectedness came.

"Finally tamed!"


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