Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4990: Leaving the Coffin Continent (Part 1)

After returning to Shenmu Valley, Xiao Yu said goodbye to Duanmuting and the others.

After all, counting the time, it's almost time to grab the flag when going back, and I've been here in the Coffin Continent for a long time.

His goal has been achieved, and he has obtained unexpected gains, whether it is strength, confidence, or even his own path in the future, he has also improved to varying degrees.

For Xiao Yu, this was definitely the biggest turning point after coming to a higher plane.

Because he awakened the power of bloodline memory, although this power is not always available, but from the bloodline memory, let him see how powerful the Shura clan used to be.

Of course, the main purpose of coming to the Coffin Continent-burning the fire, he also got it, and he also returned with the rhubarb and the little dragon.

Therefore, Xiao Yu benefited a lot from the harvest in the Coffin Mainland.

Of course, there is also a downside, and that is the plane hunter Zecan.

Defeated Mu Tianhong and brought out the mighty one who sheltered the Mu Family. Although the power of Jianghai was used to defeat this mighty, it also allowed the guardian enchantment of the Coffin Continent to be lifted.

In this way, what Xiao Yu didn't expect was that his Asura aura was accidentally exposed, and the plane hunters knew of his existence.

In other words, it is actually very easy to trace that oneself is a member of Cangling Academy.

No one knows the level of the hunters in the Nine Heavens World, but the evaluation of them from the outside world is detestable and horrible.

And there is great power inside!

Xiao Yu didn't want to get involved in Cangling Academy, so the time spent recuperating during Zecan's time may be Xiao Yu's last time in Cangling Academy.

In any case, the harvest of the Coffin Mainland and his party is huge and unprecedented.

This allowed Xiao Yu to better understand his position and the rules of operation of this world.

And he had nothing to miss in the Coffin Continent, so it was naturally time to bid farewell.

Duanmuting, Duanmu Song's high-level group saw them off outside Shenmu Valley, and of course they were accompanied by the white moon-collared people who had been favored by Xiao Yu.

Looking at the young man in front of them, they were deeply moved.

With one person, he saved thousands of years of family. Turning the tide, they did what their entire family could not do.

Even the idea that they could not change for so many years, under the influence of this young man, caused the traditional stubborn Duan Muting and others to change the way the family operates.

All this depends on this young man!

Although they will encounter more and greater difficulties in the future, that is their opportunity, and this opportunity is also given by this young man.

Xiao Yu, Luo Feng, Rhubarb and Xiaolong have all gone outside Shenmu Valley together.

After these days of training, Rhubarb's breath has stabilized a lot, and then transformed into a big dog with yellow skin and hair at the beginning.

Not only walking lazily and slowly, but also not waiting to look at others.

This can't help but surprise Duan Muting and the others, secretly saying that this is the predecessor who single-handedly suppressed the powerhouse of the Soul Realm?

Sure enough, the strong have the posture of the strong! They couldn't help but marvel.

And Duan Mu Shilan, beautiful eyes are very reluctant.

She and Xiao Yu are also teachers and friends, and after these experiences, Duan Mu Shilan has an invisible dependence and affection for Xiao Yu.

Luo Feng said with a smile, "Miss Duanmu, are you reluctant?"


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