Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4995: The Law of Time Power (Part 1)

The three of Zeng Lei and his party were walking in front, but the two teenagers dared not speak.

After all, after being drunk by Xiao Yu just now, their body and mind were traumatized.

However, Zeng Lei was indifferent, and seemed to be afraid of that young man, which made their hearts very uneasy.

Finally, Zeng Lei said indifferently: "Do you think I am like a coward?"

The two teenagers did not say anything, but their reaction showed something.

Zeng Lei was not angry. He narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm afraid you didn't notice it. What did Teacher Gao call him just now."

In an instant, the two teenagers recalled that Gao An indeed knew the person who injured them.

"Teacher Gao seems to call him...Xiao Yu?"

"Xiao Yu...could it be him!!"

The pupils of the two shrank, and they finally remembered something.

This name is legendary!

Coming from a low level, he became a child of Hei Yanfeng and was favored by Chu Dongmen.

Then came to the fore in the test of the lower house, and then stubbornly resisted Qingyin, the master of Baifengtang.

Of course, when in the lower house, there are a series of things that make everyone aware of him.

The three divine weapon spirits who had tamed the elders of the upper courtyard refining pavilion in succession, and the hall master Bai Fengtang broke into the Tengyuan continent alone and returned safely.

The most legendary thing is that in the assessment of the upper house jointly organized by the five major temples, he defeated Gu Xichun and other geniuses in one fell swoop, and became the super genius who has risen since the decline of Cangling Academy.

When he was in the upper court, this person still did not stop, he directly reached the second class from the C class, and even went out to fight for the first place in the flag grab meeting!

Only in the next two or three months, there was no news of this person, and then Zeng Lei rose up, so they gradually forgot about this person.

But whether it is Cangling Academy or the five major temples, it can be said that no one does not know this person.

"He's back, and he's also going to take part in the flag grabbing contest!" One of the teenagers took a deep breath.

The strength of Xiao Yu just now really surprised them.

Both of them are at the level of the Three Spirit Realm. With just such a drink, they can't even get close within ten feet of each other. This is the horror of waiting!

But they couldn't understand Zeng Lei's thoughts.

"Brother Lei, do you want to..." a teenager asked in a low voice.

It was indeed not a good time to fight, but if outsiders didn't know it, I am afraid that Zeng Lei was afraid of Xiao Yu.

Zeng Lei sneered: "I want to beat him upright in the flag-grabbing ceremony. I want him to know that I am the first person in the upper house in the future!"

After all, Xiao Yu's ups and downs in the lower house and upper house would inevitably make people more or less hostile towards him.

And this Zeng Lei is one of them.

Being the number one in Class B, or being the number one in the flag-grabbing tournament, is not enough to attract him, because his goal is not just this.


Not many people knew about Xiao Yu's return, because Xiao Yu didn't want to be too public, and he returned to his residence as soon as he came back.

Because the flag-grabbing conference was going on in a few days, Luo Feng also went back to report to his teacher.

As for Duanmu Shilan, under Xiao Yu's recommendation, she was admitted to the hospital by Gao An.

Although this did not conform to the rules of the academy, Xiao Yu was confident that his vision could not be wrong.

When Duan Mu Shilan was sixteen years old, her soul talent had already reached the level of heaven. This was definitely one of the best in Cangling Academy.

Seeing Gongsun Jin, she was definitely vying for it.

After staying, Xiao Yu and Da Huang chatted in the yard in the dark.

"Rhubarb, you know the history of Shenhundao."

Rhubarb lay on the ground, gave Xiao Yu a lazily look, and said, "You still know, since that's the case, I'll talk to you."

"Do you know why the power of Divine Soul Dao is going to perish?"

Xiao Yu shook his head. Such a powerful family must have cultivated a very powerful soul, so why is it going to perish?

"Because they control a supreme legal power."

Xiao Yu's heart began to become tense, and said, "I remember you said that there are two strong laws of power in the world, one is space, is it the other?"

"Yes, the other is the law of time."

Xiao Yu immediately held his breath, but at the same time, the branches of the sky tree in his mind flashed slightly.


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