Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4999: Catch the Flag Conference (Part 1)

The flag-grabbing conference finally began in a calm and tense atmosphere for several months.

In the past three months, many people have basically stopped attending classes. They either went out to practice or retreat.

In order to capture the leader in the flag-grabbing conference and become the most dazzling presence in the upper house.

Of course, the Catch the Flag is the second grand event in the upper house, which is for the second house.

Because as long as the team is in the top ten, there will be huge rewards.

And as long as it is the top three teams, they can be directly submitted to the A hospital, and they don't even need the class assessment!

Therefore, it is naturally very attractive to a small number of capable people in the B courtyard.

Especially for existences such as Bu Jingming, Qing Mingxin, and Du Jun, it is a rare opportunity.

Of course, in the past two months, another Zeng Lei appeared, which made the competition between Bu Jingming and others stronger.

Of course, Zeng Lei's existence has no effect on Bu Jingming at all.

Although three months ago, Bu Jingming's voice was the highest, there is a chance to win this number one.

And even if Zeng Lei appeared, Bu Jingming would be recognized as the second existence.

As for the third of the first three titles, it is not so friendly to the teams of Qing Mingxin and Du Jun.

This is an opportunity to directly enter Class A to learn and obtain better training resources. Needless to say, Qing Mingxin and Du Jun will go all out to compete for third place.

However, relative to the strength of the overall team, Qing Mingxin's advantage is obviously greater.

For the Flag Catch, each team is allowed to have five people.

After all, Qing Mingxin himself is the cultivation base of the Hedao Realm, and at least three of his team are also the Hedao Realm.

On the contrary, Du Jun seemed to have some talents withered. In the team, plus himself, there were only two Harmony Stages.

And Du Jun's own strength is not as good as Qing Mingxin.

As for the vast majority of other people, their goal is naturally not the top three, they want to enter the top ten, and while receiving rewards, they can also get corresponding attention.

After all, in Class B, there are very few that can surpass the cultivation of the Three Spirit Realm, let alone the He Dao Realm, or the existence of the Huayu Realm like Zeng Lei.

The Huayu Realm is in the upper middle class in Class A!

Soon, the teams of Class B entered the field one after another.

This time the flag-grabbing conference was held by Bu Yun and Gao An.

The intermediate and high-level teachers of the two lower houses were transferred up during these three months.

And with Buyun, an experienced person supervising, the atmosphere of the conference will obviously be much more intense.

Twenty or thirty teams entered the arena one after another, and there were also hundreds of people from Class B.

"Look, half of the seniors from Class A are here." A student from Class C who was watching the show cried.

Those who are able to enter Class A are based on the cultivation base of the Hedao Realm. Therefore, these dozens of people stand like a mountain, giving people a powerful aura in it.

"Hey, I heard that three months ago, that kid named Xiao Yu provoked the gang of Cangling City boys and said they wanted to fight for the first place, and then Zeng Lei, who came out of the Huayu Realm, was in this flag-grabbing meeting. But it’s so exciting!"

"Yeah! I really didn't expect that we would have so many geniuses in this year."

After a while, Zeng Lei, Bu Jingming, Qing Mingxin and Du Jun entered the arena one after another.

"They are here!"


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