Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5025: I'm the Heiyan Peak covering you

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and his eyes became cold when he thought of Ze Can.

This is indeed a problem, and it is also an irregular scourge.

Afterwards, Rhubarb told himself that the power of his blow was enough to allow a strong man of the Soul Realm to recuperate for a long time, and there was no need to worry about Zecan coming to seek revenge in a short time.

But Xiao Yu was still a little worried inside.

The hunters on the planes are all fierce and famous, either traitors of the big forces, or wicked people, in short, they are all powerful.

"As far as I know, when my father was hunted and killed, it was the plane hunter uniting with some powerful family forces." Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said.

When the word father was mentioned, Chu Dongmen's eyes flickered unconsciously, but the light also flickered.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu asked: "Pak Master Chu, do you know who has enemies with our Asura clan?"

The implication is that twenty years ago, excluding the plane hunters, what kind of force was Xiao Qing chased by?

This is very important to Xiao Yu, because only if he knows who these murderers are, will he be able to confront them one by one in the future.

Chu Dongmen's eyes fluctuated slightly in the depths of his eyes. He wanted to speak and stopped. If he put it in the eyes of a person, he would have noticed it, but Xiao Yu shook his head slightly and muttered: "I don't know my father yet. Where are you with my mother."

Chu Dongmen glanced at Xiao Yu, his eyes calmed down.

Xiao Yu's eyes immediately flickered coldly, and said, "But no matter what, my life experience, I will figure it out by myself. At that time, anyone who can distract me and my parents, I will ask them to give me one. Confess!"

"So, this is a stage where I can prove myself, and I will definitely go all out." Xiao Yu promised heavily.

Chu Dongmen took a sip of the tea and said calmly: "Don't worry, it's a matter of heaven, I have the Black Flame Peak covering you."

Xiao Yu glanced at Chu Dongmen in surprise. What he didn't expect was that Chu Dongmen would say such a thing.

Except for Xiao Yu who didn't count himself, there was only Chu Dongmen in Hei Yanfeng!

Xiao Yu knew very well in his heart that Chu Dongmen was first from the Cangling Academy, then the peak master of Heiyan Peak, and finally his own teacher.

To a certain extent, if there is a life-or-death conflict with the academy, the academy must put the overall situation first and protect the academy.

After all, there were many people in Cangling Academy, and it was impossible for everyone to accompany Xiao Yu to take this risk.

Therefore, Xiao Yu had already planned. If he is really pursued here by the enemy, he will definitely cut off the relationship with the Cangling Academy to prevent the Cangling Academy from getting involved.

For Xiao Yu, Cangling Academy was only a springboard, but it was also emotional.

There are many of his friends here, and it gives Xiao Yu many opportunities to improve himself.

Speaking a bit bigger, if Xiao Yu hadn't entered the Cangling Academy, all the good fortune behind him would have been impossible.

As soon as Xiao Yu was about to speak, Chu Dongmen took the lead and said: "In the eyes of outsiders, I am indeed from Cangling College first and then your teacher, but in my own view, I am your teacher first. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yu trembled all over, and his eyes looked at Chu Dongmen with a touch of emotion.

In one sentence, the implications are really too much.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Things haven't reached that point yet. Maybe I can go on without problems."

This means that this topic ends here.

Chu Dongmen smiled, and said nothing.

Yes, the matter hasn't reached the worst point, and then I think about it. Isn't this unfounded worry?

What's more, Cangling Academy is not a vain name. The big outside forces dare to attack, I am afraid they have to weigh it.

Chu Dongmen said: "But don't be so nervous. The five great temples are compared once every three years. At least one year is left. One year is enough for a lot of things to happen. Before that, I want you to go to the seat. Experience it on the battlefield, what do you think?"

"Planar battlefield?"


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