Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5028: Assault on Yuan Soul Realm (Part 2)

Although this is somewhat reasonable, it is also somewhat unexpected.

Under normal circumstances, the small state of the pinnacle is not actually a specific level, but only the most proficient state to reach this state.

The real small state is the three levels of the first, middle and late stages.

Therefore, from the peak to the next realm, it is actually only half a step away. It is more than a kind of energy more or less impact on the realm, but a kind of understanding of the realm and the great road.

"Maybe my body is different, and entering the Yuan soul realm is another level, so I need more energy."

Xiao Yu thought so in his heart, and he swallowed another pill of seven-patterned earth spirit pill.

After he swallowed the seven-stripe Earth Spirit Pill, the Fetal Origin Star Mansion naturally glowed with bursts of bright stars.

This kind of starlight has become a kind of daylight.

Soon, the Fetal Yuanxing Mansion began to shrink again.

With so many levels of realms, from low to high planes, Xiao Yu also discovered a common point.

It is these changes in form, many of which are reincarnation.

It is like the Qifu Realm, which is a state of gas, then condenses into the ocean, condensing into a spherical Dan-like form.

Then, with the improvement of strength, higher acupuncture points, such as Tianfu acupoint, were reopened to open up the gods, and then turned into fetal origin.

Each of these realms and forms just confirms that the world is the same as cultivation, which is the cycle of rebirth.

The only difference is that every cycle, every new form, is a stronger state and a sign of stronger than before.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu didn't think so much anymore, condensing this new form-Fei Yuan.

Time passed by every minute, and soon the whole fetus was reduced to the size of a fist.

This fetal element is the aggregation of the entire fetal element star palace.

The fetal essence glowing with dazzling light was floating in Xiao Yu's body.

Xiao Yu had already clearly sensed a kind of "life" from inside that seemed to be the owner of some kind of fluctuation.

In a sense, the soul is indeed the second life in the body.

Unlike the soul, ordinary cultivators must truly awaken the soul before they can cultivate the soul and become a soul cultivator.

But the spirit is different, the spirit is a symbol of realm power.

An alternative flesh body that is condensed after the understanding of the law and the great ways of the world reaches a certain level and state.

So there is the saying that the spirit is immortal and the flesh is immortal.

At the moment when the spirit is reached, the spirit has already melted part of the physical body, and it is not in such a spherical state.

The physical body can explode, but it is difficult for the spirit to truly destroy it.

And Yuanpao is only the initial state of Shenpao. Although it is only one form level higher than Fetal Yuan, the meaning it gives is completely different.

Xiao Yu was already a little excited in his heart.

Only by becoming a powerhouse in the spirit realm can you be regarded as a world-class powerhouse in Nine Heavens!

And the Yuan Soul Realm is his threshold to the first-class powerhouse.

But just as Xiao Yu thought that the Fetal Yuan Star Mansion was about to condense into Yuan Po, Suddenly, Xiao Yu was shocked again, because the "Yuan Po", which was only the size of a fist, began to stop moving, and the light gradually dimmed. Go down.

"Not enough energy?"

It was Xiao Yu's turn to be surprised. He hadn't heard of it, but he needed three seven-patterned earth spirit pills to condense the soul!

Because according to the cultivation state of ordinary people, there is no need for a spirit pill, or even a spirit pill, just a high enough comprehension.

But this is a seven-stripe earth spirit pill!

It is suitable for the absorption of the Yuan soul realm!

How much energy does this need?

"Fortunately, I have a lot of energy in seven patterns."

Without saying a word, Xiao Yu swallowed the third seven-patterned spirit pill again. This time, earth-shaking changes finally took place.


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