Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5035: Gongsun Jin is the referee

Along with a sound, a person appeared at the door, and it was Gongsun Jin.

It was still a gray robe, and his face was still like a baby.

However, Gongsun Jin's face seemed to become more and more rosy.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that Gongsun Jin had been happily blooming in the past month, and Xiao Yu returned safely from the Continent.

After all, in the Coffin Continent, Gongsun Jin only knew that it was very exclusive beforehand, but later learned that such a big event had happened in the Coffin Continent.

But fortunately, Xiao Yu is back. In other words, Xiao Yu has been burned!

At the same time, Xiao Yu brought back Duanmu Shilan, a talented alchemist!

This just gave his alchemy pavilion a vigorous potential general.

Therefore, Gongsun Jin is not excited to see Xiao Yu today.

But Gongsun Jin also knew that Xiao Yu was not a veritable alchemy child of the alchemy pavilion after all, he was just his own alchemy boy, so he deliberately kept a distance from Xiao Yu.

"Elder Gongsun." Xiao Yu called out.

"Yeah." Gongsun Jin nodded, maintaining his usual majesty.

Xiao Yu smiled and didn't care.

He and Gongsun Jin are both teachers and friends, and in front of so many people, Gongsun Jin does have to be a little stance, otherwise people will gossip.

"It's best to have a teacher as the referee!" Duan Mu Shilan said excitedly.

It seems that even she wants to see who Xiao Yu and Ling Qing are more powerful in alchemy.

After all, Duan Mu Shilan had never seen Xiao Yu's real alchemy.

At the time of the competition, it was just to help myself.

One more thing, Duan Mu Shilan can also feel the extent to which Xiao Yu's soul realm is in the earth spirit realm.

But she could feel that this was not Xiao Yu's real cultivation base.

"Elder Gongsun."

"Elder Gongsun."

Everyone called out.

In any case, Gongsun Jin's alchemy cultivation base is very powerful, and people here are proud of being able to enter the alchemy pavilion.

Of course, this little competition game seems to have become more exciting.

"You really want to accept this challenge?" Who knows, Gongsun Jin asked Xiao Yu back.

Xiao Yu was taken aback, nodded immediately, and said, "Yes."

"Then I attach a condition, that is, if you lose, I will punish you to stay in the alchemy pavilion for a month, because I happen to help refine a new heavenly spirit pill." Gongsun Jin looked at Xiao Yu with interest. .

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, this is such a big game.

"No problem." Xiao Yu agreed.

These words were a bit biased towards Xiao Yu's death, and the jealousy in Ling Qing's heart was even worse.

But he also understands that, despite this, he is still the strongest to himself.

Of the thirteen kinds of spirit pills, no one can surpass it, including this guy.

Immediately after that, Ling Qing gave Xiao Yu a glance at the list of spirit pills she had assembled.

Xiao Yu just glanced, nodded in his heart.

Everyone thought that Xiao Yu would have to ponder for a long time, but he didn't expect Xiao Yu to say directly in the next second: "The spirit pill on you is indeed relatively rare, but I have some rarer ones, so I don’t know if Elder Gongsun can identify them. come out."

As soon as he said this, Gongsun Jin was startled, and immediately saw Xiao Yu look at him with a smile.

This guy has a carbine back!

Gongsun Jin immediately snorted coldly: "Boy, don't be overwhelmed. If I don't know something, you can pick the spirit pill on my alchemy pavilion."

"It depends."


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